Chapter 30: The Mystery Girl

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When they came back to their senses after that seismic wave of adrenaline rush, they realized it was not as quick as I said in the last bad...and with reality came that obnoxious wtf feeling that hit both of them as usual it's always a boy’s fault when bad and good things happen even if both parties enjoyed or suffered miserably. "I'm so sorry" "Goodnight Mason, this never happened" "But it did" Ivy surprisingly jumped out of the car and formed a barricade between them. Audrey just got in the car and banged the door. "You heard her, it didn't. Now go!" "Fine, journey mercies then call me when you get home" "She will" Ivy got in the car and roared it to life. She drove out of the gate before Audrey asked her to stop and as obedient as a chauffeur would have been she did stop. Her boss took time to recollect herself in the back seat, she was actually feeling shy that Ivy witnessed that kiss besides being her first in recent times from one of the hottest and famous dudes in school. How was she going to face him next time they met? What if people saw her and branded her slut? It surely wasn’t going to be her first time being ashamed. "Did you forget anything? We can head back" "No, we forgot Tina. Her car broke down remember?" "Yeah, about that" Ivy defiantly kept driving away, "She left angrily moments after we left, I don’t think it had broken down" "Are you calling her a liar?" "No, cars just breakdown one minute and the next they can run" "Sounds sarcastic" "It is, hopefully we should run into her or into Lucas. He left early too" "Oh, I know why" "Why?" "To tell on me, dad called and I let Tina talk to him. He must be angry" Ivy didn't answer that one. It was almost as if she didn't want to and the overthinking and a little bit confused mind of Audrey started to overthink. Could she be counted on? To stand with her in case the entire family as it was the norm turned against her? Was she just acting nice to break her later? Probably a Lucas project. And telling her about Tina's car having not broken down, what was it meant to do? Break their friendship? Push away the only one person who had been there for her when she needed someone? It was starting sense. That Cardi B line...their love is so fake and their hate is real. Ivy had no skin in the game being related to Rose she had insurance. It was Audrey who was going to suffer for three counts. One, going to a night party without permission, staying outside until too late-it was eleven and finally using her dad's favorite Ben Richards gift of a Range Rover. The last one was surely going to carry more weight and unleash his anger. "So, You and Mason are you a thing?" "Depends on what you mean by a thing but we're not involved romantically" "I didn't bring up romance you did" "Does he look like a guy who'd be with me? Sometimes I feel like he is just trying to make me feel better" "Both of you actually, he seemed to enjoy that kiss" "Can you just focus on driving" "Okay boss" Just between you and I, he didn't enjoy that kiss as much as he made us think. *** At eleven it was officially party over and Mason was busy escorting the guests to the parking lot, making sure those who were too drunk to walk had their plus one's working on how they were going to get home and supervising some cleaning, collecting bottles and the utensils that were used, glasses, remains of lemon fruit and mint leaves, once the last guest walked through the iron gates he ordered the guards to lock it up and slowly walked back to the manor, zonked like a zombie both emotionally and Physically. It had been a success even if he was not involved that much. "Tired can't describe what am feeling right now" he said collapsing in the couch. "Been quiet a day, are you hungry?" The butler asked finishing up with the cleaning, the house was looking like it was supposed to be and not like a poorly managed night-club. "No, I'm just asking for permission to go upstairs and sleep" "Granted though the sleeping part might be an overstatement" "Seriously I'm going to sleep. I hope there are not so many breakages?" He didn't see the butler grin and wink at him. They had a cool relationship, almost like Audrey and Clive but not that close. In their family Maeve was the friendly one and Mason was the arrogant one at times, a little choosy with who he was free with but most of the time he would mumble a good word and shake a few hands especially when he needed something in return for his verbal engagement. "Two-three, she won't notice" "Ha" Mason laughed mockingly getting back on his feet, "you don't know my mother that well then" "That was a long time ago she cared much about utensils" "Fine, goodnight" he dragged himself upstairs scrolling on his phone, he stopped at the end of the flight to laugh at a video someone sent to him then picked up the pace. He got to the door and stopped, his hand on the door knob and his eyes still on the phone smiling upon turning it he walked to a dimmed room smelling of strawberries and candles around a bed of roses. "What the f**k!" Perhaps there was a chance during his drug induced sleep he had wedded without knowing. Anyway, he shut the door his eyes roving around. There was no sign of anyone "Hello, anybody here!" "Just a minute!" A feminine voice shouted from the bathroom followed by a flash of the toilet, aje yourself comfortable" "Is that your car in the drive way?" "Yeah, it's actually my mum's just stole it" Mason started making himself comfortable as he was directed, sat on the bed and started getting rid of his bow tie, his shirt and shoes he threw them on the carpet then his trousers as he walked in his boxers to the shower. Clearly the intruder was more of a familiar person and not a stranger so there was no need. When he opened the serrated glass door of the shower he grabbed her from behind and kissed her neck, the hot shower was still on splashing water on them as they kissed and touched each other all over. He stopped abruptly. "Everything okay" "I thought you left" "You're not happy that am here? Our anniversary, one month though" "I'm happy, just tell me next time and don't try to make me feel like I got married during that blip and it's my wedding night" "What blip?" "Blip? Did I say blip?" "You did, anyway. That was me trying to be romantic, took me a while to arrange but finally I got it..." "I appreciate" "You know" she turned around to face him grabbing his pintle, Mason gasped, "there is another way you can thank me" "One that doesn't involve the exchange of fluids?" "Are you fuckin with some random w***e out there? Tell me the name, I saw Stacy looking at you funny the entire night you better not be f*****g her..." While she went on and on throwing accusations...except that they were not accusations but plain truth Mason was just happy that he finally knew her name and in case his mum asked he could get out of that mess. Meanwhile, his lack of concentration didn't go unnoticed. "You're smiling? Seriously?" "Sorry but you just look so hot when you're angry" he grabbed her ass in two large chunks as a distraction. "You're deflecting" "I'm not f*****g with anyone now can we go and sleep?" "You better give me a good reason for turning me down" "I know you put a lot of work in preparing the flowers and stuff but I'm just tired right now, been up since six in the morning it's almost midnight" "We're definitely talking about this tomorrow early in the morning" Mason was not sure what they were going to talk about really but he agreed and promised, kissed her again and left the shower drying his body with a towel changed into his pajamas and dropped on the roses in the bed. Moments later she joined him and lay on his chest forcing his hand to circle around her. For some time, they lay in that position silently, the candles were still on. Both of them breathing softly, Mason had his eyes shut but she was staring at the wall. "Mason?" "Yes" "Do you still love me?" "Yeah" Yeah what? He heard her or he loved her? She was not contented so she sat up expecting him to say another word except the more she waited the deeper he fell to sleep. He should have taken the butlers clue for hopefully managing to get sleep because the moment he started snoring she shook the living hell out of him. "What?" "We're having a moment here and you can afford to sleep. I asked you something you didn't answer" "I said yeah. What do you want me to say?" "That you love me and mean it" "Okay I love you and I mean it. Can I sleep?" "No, is she the reason you don't want to have s*x with me?" Silence. Mason was pissed, hanging on a thread of patient not to walk out of that room and sleep in the guest room or say something mean to her that would have left her crying the entire night and updating mean comments on her status. "Mason" "For f***s sake let me rest or I'll leave you this bed" "You fuckin kissed her!" She screamed out the thing that had been bothering her the entire night. Poor girl, instead of confronting him she thought having s*x was going to make the pain go away. But it worked in the past, always did do why try a new thing when the old one works? "You saw it or you were told" "Tell me it's a lie" "So, you were told. And I thought you trusted me" "This is not about me. Don't make this about me as you always do, did you kiss her?" "Yes, but you and I both know it was kayfabe" "I can't do this anymore. Tell me what you mean to accomplish by toying around with her feelings, it's now or never" "Is that a threat?" This time he sat and looked at her in the eyes, she froze when he grabbed her throat, "I'm gonna give you what you've been crying for and you'll fall sleep forget we had this conversation" The next thing she felt was his tongue in her mouth and his hands ripping off her lingerie. Told you, why try something new when the old one works. She was a slave to her emotions towards him. So bad that she was willing to be part of anything he asked just not anything that would have him leave her. It was her only worry.
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