Chapter 3: Blended Family

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The six-bedroomed miller manor rested on a ten-acre piece of land, with a basketball and Tennis courts, a massive fish pond with a fishing boat tied on a peg and two swimming pools all at the back. An all Hazel monodominant man-made forest with well-trimmed hedges along the footpaths and carpet green clean lawns with sporadic trees spread all over the compound. The manor was painted white and in front of it was a water fountain that acted as a round-about. One curb-stoned road led to the manor, another one to the pond and another to the parking lot. From a distance it could be seen lit up in yellow and white, up close it had two huge heavy mahogany doors which opened to a marbled floor that reflected back all the light from the massive custom-made crystal chandelier hanging above the white ceiling and other small globe chandelier’s on every massive floor to ceiling windows covered by snow white blinders and long golden silk flowing curtains that matched the color of chaise couches surrounding a mahogany lacquered coffee table in the middle of the living room. Directly opposite the living room was the dining room. A long table surrounded with a dozen long back parson chairs. A sink with hand wash and a towel, above it a small window from which one could see the modern kitchen, mixed aroma was coming from it and the cooks were busy while the maids set up the table. It was dinner time. Anyway, back to our tour, on the way up was a circular staircase that led to the bedrooms and family room, a gym room and library. In the master bedroom was David and his wife Rose, the former had just arrived from a day full of meetings and taken a shower, they were just catching up. The latter was doing the most talking, tucked under his arm with his back resting on the pillows, she was showing him the new designs in fashion that his textile company Miller Wear could start making if they were to fit in the market. “Why don’t you stop by tomorrow and show me more of those designs” he said before kissing her on the lips. “You know am an independent model and a designer the competition might think am being biased” “It’s just that am already switched to home mode, at the office I will be in business mode. Besides, aren’t you my wife?” “Yes, I am proud to be your wife” “How much to leave independent field and work for me?” “You know I can’t I love having some gig of my own so that people don’t say I re-married my best friends Husband for money” “Who cares about what they say. All we care about is us and our kids, right? Anyway, stop by tomorrow as a wife not as an independent designer” “Deal” Although the two had careers that were closely related, they were yet to start working together and build a family business and now you know why. Ten years later and David still felt like his second wife didn’t trust him that much. He had done everything possible within his powers to make her feel comfortable but she couldn’t just fit in, not the way he wanted. Rose was a single mum and a family friend who was there for the Millers at their hour of need, he hoped she felt more of family than a fraud. That aside, further down the lit up red-carpeted hallway were the kid’s rooms. On the right was Gideon’s room, a bed in the middle with a bunch of clean and dirty clothes all over the floor and the bed, dirty shoes and smelly socks. He seemed contented in his environment swinging comfortably on a red and black leather mutant gaming chair, with headphones and a gaming-pad at hand, splashing all the light in the dark unkempt room was a sixty-five-inch LG TV screen. He was enjoying a multiplayer version of a popular video game-Call of duty with his rich friends. Which he lost and groaned angrily throwing the pad away. The young master was a terrible loser. “Come on, it’s not every fight you have to win” “Shut the f**k up Dude” “It’s not about the game. Something else is bothering him. Care to share?” another one played the annoying therapist role. “Can we just play another game? No need to get weird with this opening up thing you know it doesn’t work for me…” “let’s be real it’s about your sister…” “Step-sister, don’t forget to add Step-sister” he argued irritably. “You should be proud of her man. Last I checked you moved in with them” Okay, now that was a bold friend who took the bull by the horns and told Lucas the bitter truth. In the Forbidden step-sibling Affair, if you’ve read it remember Jake, Ethan’s friend said something about good friends, great friends and the truth. Good friends will always tell you the truth, Great friends will tell you the truth even if it hurts. “Are you saying I don’t have a right to be here? Her dad married my mum, I won’t stand humiliation simply because we moved in with them” “I’m, just saying maybe you should be kind to her. It won’t kill you” “No, I don’t even know why we are friends in the first place. We are done man, I’m kicking you out” “Gladly” before Gideon, the host could kick him out of the game he kicked himself out, he was offline. “We don’t need him” Lucas said confidently. The others also went offline and the arrogant mad king was left all alone. Unfortunately, he didn’t see anything wrong with his conduct. His assumption, they were going to crawl back to him and beg for forgiveness and as a good king he was going to forgive them. Finally, the room on the left from the hallway was Audrey’s room, neatly arranged clothes in the closet and a bed in the middle. A chair behind a desk full of books. There was a bedside mat on which Audrey was lying reading a novel, flipping through the pages. Smiling sheepishly at the pages as though they were secretly talking to her. A soft knock on the door made her sit up in her grey sweat pants and hoodie. “Come in, who’s it?” “The butler, dinner is ready” “Thank you, I will be down right away” “I’m not buying it this time” “Okay you have me” She kept the book away and opened the door, to the butler smiling with is his hands behind his back looking handsome in black and white, “This suit looks good on you” “Are you trying to make me feel good?" "Is it working?" "No, come on you don't need to be here when your step-brother humiliates me" the butler said stopping by Gideon's door. "Sorry I'd have helped but I'm the last person he'd want to see on his door. You're on your own" "I got this, go!" He assured taking a deep breath, truthfully, he didn’t have it under control. Apart from his parents Lucas lashed at everyone else in the compound no matter the age. For that reason, they were afraid of him instead of respecting him. The opposite was what Audrey enjoyed, they respected her. The two exchanged one last glance before he knocked the door, Audrey slithered down the staircase, swiftly, one second, she was there and the next she wasn't. As expected the door flew open, luckily for the old man it opened from inside or else it would have knocked him to his ass. But that didn't mean he was off the hook as Lucas pushed him out of the way and marched downstairs angrily. Like the Hulk he was always angry. The dining table was set with a variety of food and fresh fruits that filled the room with a confusing yet still sweet fragrance of mangoes, pineapples and berries, apples and meat with chicken and salad. A mountain of white rice in a bowl and another bowl full of soup. Occupying the chairs were David and Rose, Audrey was at the far end as usual, that’s where she felt comfortable anyway-far from humanity. Lucas was the last one to arrive wearing that smirk on his face, the mother noticed. “Whats up with you?” “Can’t someone have a bad day in peace?” he pulled the chair and went right for the bowl of meat. “watch your tone, you are talking to your mother” Growled David. “Sorry dad” he mumbled. Silence ensued, for the next few minutes the silver spoons on the ceramic clashed, chewing and nodding, juice being poured in the glasses and some romantic gestures in the parent’s side, they were feeding each other and chuckling about it. After filling their bellies, they kept leaning on their chairs seeping on their drinks while waiting for dessert. “kids, how was school?” “Horrible” Lucas was the first one to show his disappointment. “And you Audrey?” Rose asked. “Fine…” Gideons mockery chuckle interrupted her and it got him the attention he was seeking because now the parents had their eyes on him. Did he have anything on his mind? He pulled out his phone and scrolled on it then slid it over to their parents. “Is there anything fine with that video? I’m tired of the day to day embarrassment for that reason I will not be driving her” “What is this?” David asked disgusted, “What were you doing in the field?” “It was an accident” “That’s not a valid reason!” “Clam down both of you” Rose chose to defend the feeble female on the table, “She said it was an accident why can’t you just accept that? clearly she was not running towards the ball” “Doesn’t change the fact that am not going to drive her and get mocked at school. She should either learn how to drive or you get her a chauffeur” “The butler will do it for the time being” David said succinctly. The look of pity on Rose’s eyes was not enough to melt his heart. Disturbed with memories of when her father actually used to care about her, Audrey left the table with her face stiff from held back tears. The rest of the family went to the dining to watch TV while she went upstairs and locked herself up in the room. She was a stranger in her own house and in her own fathers’ life. Now that hurt badly more than the daily humiliation she went through.
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