Chapter 47: Brother and Sister

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The school day had finally come to an end, it had been a good one considering that there was no school until the next week. It has been a confusing one for Audrey because mason had just said openly he loved her and instead of telling him the same or doing whatever normal people do she froze. Stupid. It was still to get more confusing because she was in the parking lot with no sign of the CR-V or Tina or even Mason not that he had the courage to face him, one way or another she needed to get home and a bus was not an option. Deja Vu once again, except this time the clouds were not looking all ark and wooly laden with rain that was about to banter her into a wet submission. "Where are you V?" She asked looking around, "imma kill her for this very prank" That's what she thought it was. A prank. But we both know it was not. Let's go back to that very morning when she knocked on Audrey's door, that call she picked about meeting someone after school? Well it turns out she was meeting them and Audrey didn't have to know. Poor girl. As for Tina, the lines were a bit blurred and it was hard to tell whether or not they could save their friendship. She couldn't count on her to show up. Well, someone had to show up because as much as it was hard to tell who was being real with her or not things just worked out for her even without much intervention. Her guardian angel was working round the clock. "Looks like someone needs a ride" "Are you serious because am f****d right now" "Hop in!" Lucas opened the door for her. Audrey was still wondering what on earth was happening with Lucas but she hoped in anyway. How much she had not missed the Camaro that much and it had not changed, it still had that smell of a new car. Ironic how the car was the only thing Lucas kept clean. He helped her strap in her seatbelt and threw her bag pack in the back seat. "Looks good, you two fighting or what?" "Not that I have any idea, she was supposed to be here but she is not" "Typical Ivy, disappearing and appearing" he mocked and started the car, ahead of them was an hour of a ride depending on traffic. For Audrey she was looking forward to getting home on time and collapsing in her bed after a cold shower, recollecting her thoughts and possibly shoving mason Klein out of her mind. So far so bad, every time she tried her mind drifted to that kiss in his parking lot, the talks they had while driving and more memories that before he confessed his liking of her she hadn't even thought of. It was right in front of her but she couldn't see it sooner at least Tina did tell her when they first met. "You're quiet, as usual but too quiete, what's up?" "Nothing" she looked outside the window. "You know I've always been a pain in the ass and I can't brag about having changed but until you see that you can tell me about it" "It's nothing. Thank you" "Okay" Did she believe he had changed? Not even one bit. Audrey was going to match his energy though with the hope of getting information in return. Especially about Rose being an ex-con. "If I tell you you'll stop looking at me like that?" "Yeah sure" "Okay if someone way out of your league tells you they love you and maybe you love them but you didn't say it back what are you supposed to do next?" Oh Poor Audrey, she was telling him the truth even though he couldn't be trusted. But again, it was not automatic he was going to connect the dots and realize who she was referring to, that's unless he had not heard the news going around the school. "Hmm, juicy. I wasn't expecting this, good to see you finally coming out of your shell..." "Answer please" "Just take your time with Mason...." "I didn't say Mason" she looked surprised. "Well, just think of it. If the world has been reduced to a global village what this school is reduced to? Are you sure you like mason?" "Not sure, I mean am not's complicated an emotional conundrum" "Then tell him no" Just like you she couldn't believe she was taking advice from him. Funny how things had changed. She stole a glance at him, since his reform she has started to see him different, like this young man with a troubled past and she had started to feel for him not as his step-brother but a victim under the thumb of his evil mum. "I thought the guy code compels you to say good things about him" "Yeah but you're my sister not just a random girl" "You should treat any random girl like sister you know" "There you go again with your advice. Why do you believe in people so much even when they don't need it or appreciate you for it?" "It doesn't cost me anything to be nice to you" "I see. Am sorry I haven't been nice to you since we met and don’t ask why because it's embarrassing" "Okay I'm not, whenever you're free. Can I ask you something else though?" "Go ahead" "Your mum" she exhaled sharply, in her mind she was still weighing her options whether it was good or bad to use him to get to his mum. The means justified the end for her, it was all for the sake of her father and to ensure their safety one of them had to get their hands dirty. David had shown uncountable tines he was not ready for that, "Was she always like that back then?" "I don't know because she was never there. I'm lucky to have moved in with you guys at least then I got to see her all the time which is also becoming a problem" "Don't say that about your mum she loves you and you’re icky to have her. Mines dead" "Mine wants to control everything about me and am tired of trying to live up to her weird expectations" Weird expectations? We would have understood if he were too kind to elaborate and sadly he wasn't. But Audrey had an idea as to why Lucas was such a d**k to her, on why he ended up using drugs and being bitter at everyone. His mother failed him and she was the only person he trusted and that left him with that belief that everyone else was going to fail him. That-hurt them before they hurt me-kind of attitude had messed him up. And she thought perhaps it was not going to be so good digging up dirt that would ruin everything and probably have them thrown out. For the sake of Lucas, she was going to stop but be weary of Rose. "We're here" he said driving them through the gates, surpassingly Ivy's car was in the driveway and she was seated in the front porch reading a book. It made Audrey wonder whether. her was intentional. "What do you want to study tonight?" "Some literature then we can grab a movie, of you're a fan" "I'm a fan of movies I watch them all the time" "You read all the time" they left the car, Lucas went past Ivy without saying a word while Audrey stopped. "Hi there, you left me" "Sorry I had to grab something really quick and you were nowhere to be seen..." She flashed out her phone and showed her. Ivy smiled lazily closing her book. She exhaled sharply, was a confession coming up? It had been a day full of them it wasn't going to be such a surprise if Ivy finally opened up about her miraculous disappearance. "This little gadget is called a phone" "I know I should have called you, sorry I just didn't think of that" "Good evening, girls come in!" Rose shouted from the entrance, she was looking happier than usual or maybe it was just those weird facial expressions. When she saw her the ex-con comment from Tina rang in her mind again. Definitely not the face of a convict but there was more than what met the eye with her. "Good evening mum, how was your day?" "Great, yours?" "Fine" "And you Ivy?" "Just like every other fuckin day. I feel stack already" "That's why what we're going to discuss will interest you" she held both of them closer and led them inside, David and Lucas were waiting. He was home early that day and like Rose he was also looking happy. Girls good evening!" "Evening" Both girls said sharing a couch with Rose, seated between them all smiles. The girls looked at each other and then at Lucas who was seated in a singles couch, he shrugged to show he also had no idea what the adults were hiding. "Okay, kids, I know you're very curious let's cut to the chase" David said and handed the mantle over to Rose. "God has been good to us and we ought to thank him" Lucas was the first one to show disappointment and lack of interest then Ivy who wished she was back in the porch reading her books instead. Audrey was hard to read, in fact she looked curious and also like someone who wanted to run away from Rose's grip. Her heart was pounding in her chest like the west African drums. "So, this is bible study? That's why you look this happy?" "Looks like its dude" Ivy said. "Let them finish guys" Audrey was on the adult’s side. "I love your patience, we are going to a family vacation!" David announced happily, Ivy and Lucas almost knocked him over the chair with flying hugs. "Are you serious dad?" "Yes, tomorrow, the private jet is ready so go get ready!" "Thank you. Where are we going?" "Out of the country. A surprise" Rose jumped in to save David from questions, "Now go upstairs and start prepping, pack for three days!" She shouted after a jumpy Ivy and Lucas, "you need some help dear" "No, I'm good" assured Audrey slowly walking away with her bag pack hanging on her right shoulder. "Ask if you need any help sweetheart!" David insisted. "Okay dad, thank you" she said and disappeared upstairs. The miller family vacation couldn't come at a better time, she needed it more to work on her emotions and get clarity on a few issues even though it was not an alone time she would have preferred.
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