Chapter 14-2

1001 Words

“I’m so sad to hear that. How devastating.” “Very much. We spent months in a German hospital recovering and only had each other since our loved ones couldn’t visit. My family could only talk to me over FaceTime, or we’d text when I wasn’t in extreme agony. I was already in a bad place having to deal with this new normal, and then a week after we flew home, I heard of his passing. It wrecked me pretty hard.” “Did you have any idea he was struggling?” “No, but I should’ve seen the signs. I was too into my own survivor’s guilt and pain to notice.” She places her hand on my cheek and kisses me. “His passing knocked some sense into me. I refused to give up on life just because it had gotten hard. I was an emotional mess, which was the first thing I got help for. After I was medically disch

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