Chapter 10

2325 Words

DAY 12 DAY 12I suck in a deep breath as I make a perimeter check outside. Yesterday when I spoke to Mr. Montgomery, he reiterated that Jack was still MIA and to triple-check that the house was secure. For all I know, he could be on his way to Florida. While we’ve been in hiding and Piper’s been off social media, there’s still the potential that Jack can find her. We’ve done everything possible to keep her location a secret, but we don’t know his intelligence level, so I"m not taking any chances. I spend the rest of the morning reading while Piper records a video about learning how to make homemade lasagna. I smile with amusement at her excitement. I try to tune her out so I can focus on my book, but it’s almost impossible when she’s gushing so hard. We eat leftovers for lunch, then she

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