Chapter 20

2272 Words

I knew this day would eventually come, but I couldn’t have predicted feeling so devastated by it. Once we’re on the outside of Roxbury, the mood grows tense. We make small talk and discuss food we can’t wait to eat while reminiscing about not having any electricity, but I can’t bring myself to say what’s really on my mind. “Next time I travel anywhere, I’m packing three damn portable phone chargers so my battery doesn’t die,” she tells me. “Especially after you held out on me. I’m not sure I’ll ever forgive you for that.” She narrows her eyes at me, then breaks into a smile. She reaches up and releases her ponytail, then brushes her fingers through the strands. Her long brown hair falls down her shoulders, and I can’t even count the times I pulled it or whispered in her ear while I was in

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