Chapter 16

2282 Words

After we clean up, Kendall and I sit at the breakfast bar and eat our chili and rice. There’s no way I’ll ever be able to look at that table the same. While Kendall admitted she’s experiencing many firsts with me, the truth is, I am too. I’ve never had a partner who’s been so open to try new things in the bedroom. When I was with Rachelle, the s*x was more routine but not the focus of our relationship. It makes me realize how special my connection with Kendall actually is, and I’m not sure I want this to end. I know we’d discussed just f*****g for fun without the feelings, but I can’t deny what’s brewing between us. It’s almost too much for me to handle because I know what she deserves, but I just don’t know if I could give her that. “Whatcha thinking about?” she asks right before she t

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