Chapter 10

2553 Words

My heart jumps into my throat as I stare at Kendall. The calm way she mutters those words makes me wonder if she’s been itching to say something all morning. I’m a little thrown off, but I do my best to act casual. “You know she’ll call the second I tell her, and we need to preserve battery power. You’ll just have to wait to talk about me after the electricity gets restored.” I throw her a smirk. Kendall glares at me, and I’m bracing myself for her rebuttal, but she stays silent. I almost feel bad that she’s going crazy thinking about last night, but I like that she is. Though we agreed it was only s*x, it felt deeper than that. But I can’t confess that to her because once we leave the cabin, I won’t be able to give her the relationship she deserves. onlyAfter Rachelle and I ended thin

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