Chapter 2

2564 Words

Kendall can whine all she wants, but she should’ve come fully prepared. One of my biggest pet peeves when traveling is stopping. If it takes thirty minutes, that’s too much time wasted, and I just want to get to the cabin so I can get this weekend over with. The only reason I agreed is because my best friend Eli asked me to join Kendall so she wouldn’t be alone in the big house by herself. It was important to him, and I want my sister to be happy on her honeymoon, so I said yes. I should’ve known Kendall was going to go overboard with her shopping, but I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. onlyAfter we’re out of the city, Kendall reaches over and turns off the radio. I glance over at her, and she gives me a death glare. “I can’t handle listening to this for the next two hours, so

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