Chapter 29-1

2018 Words

DAY 90 DAY 90We"ve officially been in the cabin for three months, but it hasn"t been what I expected at all when I first decided to come here. When Eli first arrived, I was convinced it’d be hell sharing this space with him. Little did I know, I"d fall stupidly in love with him and end up never wanting to leave this place or his side. A week ago, I got the news that my graduation ceremony was canceled, and I feel cheated as hell. I understand why, but for the past four years, I imagined walking across that stage and getting my diploma. I"ve been excited to give my valedictorian speech since I knew I was in the running. Though I won’t be giving it in front of everyone, I still plan to record myself so they can hear it. Getting this honor was hard work, and I don’t want to miss the opportu

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