Chapter 25-1

2000 Words

DAY 41 DAY 41It"s been a week since Eli"s fever broke, and I"m so damn relieved. We"ve taken extra precautions around the house and have cleaned it top to bottom several times. I"ve never been this germ cautious, but I find myself washing my hands regularly. As I look inside the freezer, I see there’s only one package of chicken left. We"re out of eggs, bread, juice, and other stuff. When Eli enters the kitchen, he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses the nape of my neck. My eyes flutter closed, and I lean into him as he mentions making a run to the store. I turn around and watch him as he pulls his wet hair up into a bun. “I was thinking the same thing, but just the thought of it makes me anxious as hell.” “I know, me too, but we need stuff.” He leans down and slides a kiss acros

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