Chapter 19-1

2024 Words

DAY 15 DAY 15I wake up with sweat covering my forehead, and my body feels like it might be on fire. Eli’s legs are tangled with mine, so I try to wiggle out of his hold. Drinking too much last night has made me feel like s**t. As soon as I sit up, I know something isn’t right. It’s not the first time I’ve had stupid amounts of alcohol, but this seems different. I wobble when I place my feet on the floor, and I find some strength to move forward. My chest is tight, and I wonder if I slept weird or if our s****l activities last night did a number on me, but I’ve never felt this way before. On repeat, I tell myself I’m just hungover. That’s all this is. I walk to the bathroom and slip on a robe when I start shivering and coughing. “Cami,” Eli mumbles from the bed in a sexy morning rasp. “

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