Chapter 17

2584 Words

DAY 14 DAY 14Teasing and tempting Eli the past two days has been intense, but I have to give it to him for staying strong. Today, we ate breakfast together, then went our separate ways because we’re both overwhelmed with school and work. Before I went upstairs, I made an espresso, but I have a feeling I’ll need four more because I’m dragging ass. I have a pile of reading assignments and two papers to write, and Eli has meetings scheduled with clients until dark. Everything has piled up, and now I’m stressing to get it all completed on time. We make plans to have dinner around seven, so until then, I’ll be forcing myself to finish my assignments. Once I’m upstairs, I open my laptop and set it on the desk that faces the window with the best mountain view. I grab a notebook and make a task

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