Chapter 14

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I’m either a genius or the biggest f*****g i***t in the world for telling Cami I wanted to wait a little while longer. Now, it’s a game to her. She wants me as badly as I want her, and she’s ready to do whatever it takes to make me c***k. As much as I want to give in to what I’ve fantasized about since we were teenagers, I’m determined to resist her. Cami saunters around the kitchen and prepares her smoothie. I watch carefully as she puts fruit, yogurt, and milk into a blender, and when she looks over her shoulder and winks, I know it’s game on. She’s not gonna make this easy, no matter what I do or say. I help clean up the counters and wipe everything down while she pours her drink into a glass. Walking into the kitchen to find her cooking for me was a nice surprise, but I actually enjoy making her food. It’s the one thing I can offer that isn’t about money or status. “You have a lot of schoolwork to do today?” I ask casually with her back to me. “Nope. Planned to take the day off, but now it looks like I’ll have nothing to do.” She shrugs, then takes a sip of her drink. “Any ideas what I could do?” Fuck, she’s cute when she wants something. Who knew someday it’d be me? meWalking up behind her, I wrap my arms around her waist and bury my head in the crook of her neck. She instantly freezes at my touch, then melts her body against mine. “You could relax for a change and watch a movie with me,” I whisper. “Cuddle, you know, that sorta thing.” “Cuddle? You cuddle, huh?” She turns and faces me, and I quickly give her a peck. She sinks into me, but I stop it before things get too heated. I’m determined to keep the willpower I’ve controlled around her for years. “I’m a great cuddler. You should see for yourself,” I offer with a smirk. “I’ll start the fire, and we can watch something together.” “Is this your way of forcing me into another weird-as-f**k train wreck about gay throuples and tigers?” I push back slightly until I’m leaning against the opposite corner. “Nope. I’ll even let you pick. Lady’s choice.” She gives me a skeptical look, sliding her straw between her plump lips, then eyes me curiously. “Anything?” I wave out a hand. “Anything.” She ponders and then her mouth sweeps up into an evil grin. “Okay, deal. Bring the vodka and meet me in the living room.” “Vodka?” I raise my brows. “It’s not even noon.” “It’s time to play my game. You scared?” she challenges with a cheeky grin. myI chuckle. “Very.” She saunters past me, fluttering light on her feet with a booty shake, which drives me insane. My eyes lower as I take in her curves, knowing I’m only making it worse for myself. Once I grab the bottle and shot glasses, I find her on the couch and set everything on the coffee table. Lighting the fireplace, I create the perfect atmosphere. She turns on the TV when I settle next to her. “Well, what’d you pick?” I ask, putting my arm around her. I’m close enough to smell the sweetness of her hair. “I’m so glad you asked.” She smirks, and I see a bunch of twenty-somethings in swimsuits. Then the trailer begins. so. “What the f**k is this?” I ask at least three times within the first thirty seconds. “Netflix’s new reality dating show about personal growth and resisting temptation. Thought you’d especially be interested in it.” “Am I really supposed to believe they don’t give in? This feels like a trap…” “Oh, Eli. I’m going to enjoy this.” She chuckles as the narrator begins explaining the “experiment” and how they have to abstain from kissing, s*x of any kind, and m**********n, or money will be deducted from the hundred-grand prize. “You’re withholding and not even being rewarded with any money…” she taunts, resting her hand on my leg. “Which means, I should’ve gone on that island because I would’ve won!” I gloat. Cami shakes her head. “You just wait.” “Wow…” I say after all the participants are introduced. “So they picked the absolute most shallow people they could find on the planet, grouped them together at a beach house with nothing else to do besides sunbathe and work out, and they have to try not to jump each other’s bones?” “The goal is to form a connection that isn’t based on sex.” “Precisely what I suggested we do,” I counter. “Yes, but they all literally just met. We’ve known each other for a long ass-time,” she argues. “So…” “But we only kissed days ago. You can’t go from hating each other’s guts to getting naked in a matter of days.” She turns and faces me. “You really hated my guts?” I look at her, frowning. “Well, I’ve always had underlying feelings for you, but when you called me out for being poor and made me feel like I wasn’t good enough for you, it was hard to like you as a person. Yet for some reason, I couldn’t get you outta my head. Or my heart, apparently.” “I was an awful teenager, I know.” She lowers her gaze. I tilt her head up until her eyes meet mine again. “We fed off each other’s hostility. I don’t blame you. I provoked you just as much as you provoked me. There was tension because something was bubbling between us that neither of us understood. But I do now. The chemistry and connection, it’s real. It always has been, and I’m glad we can use this time to get to know each other better.” something“Yes, I agree. But we can also have some fun while doing so.” I sigh with a small chuckle. “Okay, so what are the guidelines for your drinking game?” “Every time a couple breaks a rule, we take a shot and mimic their offense.” “You mean, do what they did?” “Right!” “Cami,” I warn, easily seeing right through her. “Don’t worry. We don’t actually see them having s*x or doing anything more than touching and kissing.” “Baby, listen…I like your intentions, but I don’t trust you with this one.” Her hand slides up my thigh. “Did you just call me baby?” “Don’t interpret that as me giving you the green light to jump me,” I tease. “Fine, but you can’t stop me from wanting you to whisper that in my ear while you’re inside me. I’m definitely gonna be imagining that very thing while I’m in the shower later.” I grab her hand and stop her from going higher. My d**k is well aware of her presence and doesn’t need further temptation. “You can fantasize all you want, baby…” I bring my mouth close to her ear. “But that’s all it’s gonna be for now.” Pulling away, I smirk at her pouty expression. baby…“You won’t even kiss me?” “I’ll kiss you,” I tell her. “But you can’t get handsy.” “We’ll see. I played your stupid drinking game, so now, you gotta play mine.” “Did that girl really just admit she’s ditzy?” “She’s actually one of my favorites,” Cami replies. The longer this show goes on, the more I know it’s going to be painful to watch. “The rules should be to take a shot every time one of the girls flips their hair.” I snort after we meet the sorority chick who flipped hers six times in thirty seconds. “I didn’t think you’d want to be hammered by the end.” She chuckles. Taking her hand from my leg, I interlock our fingers. “David is my reality husband, by the way. He’s my number one.” “Really? So he’d be your celebrity free pass?” “Can you blame me?” “I mean, if rock-hard abs and a chiseled jawline are your thing.” I snicker. Cami looks over at me. “You’re quite comparable.” “Am I? Would I still be in the running to win your heart, then?” “Yeah. I mean…” She shrugs casually. “Probably.” “Probably?” I remark, bringing my hands to her sides and tickling her. “Stop!” She laughs, collapsing on the couch. I tower over her, digging my fingers under her arms. Bringing my mouth to hers, I brush it softly without quite kissing her. “That’s what you get for making me watch this ridiculous show.” She pushes me until we’re both sitting again. “It’s payback, so deal with it.” I smirk, knowing she enjoyed that crazy documentary even if she’s denying it. “I love how everyone’s in their bathing suits, showing off ninety-five percent of their bodies, and this guy waltzes in looking like Jesus.” “Just wait till he takes off the hat…” He finally does, and I nearly choke when he reveals his bun and starts taking it down. “So that’s me? I"m Jesus.” Cami laughs. “Well, I imagine there’s a lot of Oh my Gods in bed with you.” Oh my GodsI nearly blush, but I don’t tell her that. “I might actually like that guy.” Then the scene continues. “Okay, then. Never mind,” I say when Jesus claims he doesn’t believe in monogamy and wants to spread his seed to as many women as possible. “He’s Jesus on the outside, but the devil on the inside.” Cami chuckles. “Okay, this show is making us dumb, and it’s only been ten minutes,” I state. “It’s about the journey. You’re supposed to see their growth throughout, so of course they all look like morons in the beginning.” “The best part of this is the narrator’s jokes. Even she knows it’s ridiculous.” “She’s actually a comedian and is pretty funny. No one is there to explain to them what’s going on—that we see anyway—so they’ll meet their virtual host soon,” she explains. “So how long until one of them breaks the rules?” “Keep watching…” More time passes, and my brain cells start to dissolve. There’s a dressing room where they get ready and do their hair and, of course, gossip. “What are they supposed to do all day? What are they preparing for?” Cami glares at me, and I shrug. I thought those were valid questions. “Did he really just say four weeks was considered a long-term relationship? Oh my God, I can’t.” My head falls back in agony, groaning as we continue watching. “Wait. She climbed on his lap after just meeting him. Oh s**t, now they’re kissing!” “It’s technically not breaking the rules because the ban hasn’t started yet,” Cami explains. “Because they just arrived!” I hold out my hand. “This is absurd.” “Have you never watched a reality show before? They go from zero to sixty in an hour. That’s the whole premise, and why there’s so much entertainment value in trash TV.” “During this quarantine, I’m going to introduce you to quality entertainment. I’ll do this one little game with you, but afterward, we’re moving onto better shit.” quality“We’ll see, we’ll see.” She grins. “You might be a fan after the eighth episode.” “Eight?” I raise my brows. “Seriously?” Eight“That’s how many there are in total. They’re only like forty-five minutes long. We can binge the whole series by dark.” Blowing out a slow breath, I brush my fingers over my jawline. “That dude just said, ‘There are plenty more days left for her to choose the right guy,’ and if that wasn’t my teenage brain every time I saw you with some i***t, I don’t know what was.” I laugh as she blushes, and soon, we’re cracking up. “So you’re saying you’re the one for me? The right one?” right“I’ve known forever. Just been waiting for you to catch up.” “Am I allowed to kiss you yet?” She looks at me and bites her lip. “Not until the contestants start breaking the rules…” She rolls her eyes, trying her hardest to be mad. “Okay, I think I know why that girl’s your favorite,” I tease after a twist in the show is announced. She immediately elbows me in the rib cage, and I choke out a laugh. “If she’s challenged to wash or cook, she knows she’s f****d and won’t win the prize money.” “Excuse you, I did cook this morning! For you, might I add.” didI take her hand and kiss her knuckles. “And it was delicious.” The first episode finally ends, and as we get previews of the next, I know we’re gonna be taking several shots. “Should I start pouring the vodka now?” As expected, the first rule break comes ten minutes into the show. “Ready?” I grab the bottle, pour the liquid, then hand her one of the glasses. We clink them together before shooting it down. Next, I grab Cami’s face and capture her lips with mine. She sinks into my chest, moaning as our tongues collide. Heat builds between us as our hands slide over each other, and I feel goose bumps cover her soft skin. Cami keeps our tongues fused as she climbs over my legs and straddles me, then wraps her arms around my neck. She rocks her hips and grinds against my c**k, making me harder and desperate for more. “Cami…” I warn, pulling back slightly. “This is a bit more than what they were doing.” “Trust me, they will be soon,” she quickly retorts. I chuckle against her mouth and somehow garner enough strength to move her off me and place her back on the couch. “You get off on telling me no, don’t you?” I eye my crotch, and her gaze follows to the noticeable erection. “That’s not the case. If my d**k was capable, it’d cuss me out right now.” “Whoa…that guy totally threw his chick under the bus after initiating the kiss and even saying f**k the money. What a douche.” “Those two…” She blows out an exaggerated breath. “Drive me crazy.” “The two chicks are now making out…” I shake my head. “Another rule break.” We each take another shot. “Saddle up for kiss number two.” I grab one of the pillows and put it over my crotch before she can grind against me again. Cami chuckles as her eyes lower. “Trying to resist temptation?” “Trying to keep myself from blowing my damn load. These people are gonna get me drunk with blue balls.” She cups my face and kisses me, sliding her tongue between my lips. Moaning at how amazing she tastes, I deepen our connection as her head falls back. My fingers thread through her hair as I pull her closer, but before things go too far, I create space as we gasp for air. “I think I need a cold shower.” “Nope! No self-gratification per the rules.” “You’re going to be the death of me, aren’t you?” I inhale sharply, then exhale. I’m really trying to take things slow with Cami so I don’t f**k it up, but damn, she’s making me second-guess my decision. With the episode nearly over, the show takes a turn, and I can’t stop laughing at how dramatic everyone is. For the next few hours, we continue watching, taking shots, and making out. Honestly, it’s a goddamn miracle I don’t tear off her clothes. By the final episode, there were eight rule breaks, three of which were more than just kissing. One couple had s*x and another almost did, but none of that is shown, other than glimpses of a b*****b. At that point, I was eight shots deep and couldn’t say no as Cami kneeled between my thighs and took me in her mouth. And as every member of the cast who broke a rule said—it was totally worth it. totally
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