Chapter 12

2738 Words
Cami is the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, but damn, when she’s annoyed, she’s somehow even sexier. It’s quite f*****g adorable, too, how hard she’s trying not to be mad when I know she is. With her shoulders squared and her nose in the air, she walks to the table and silently sits. “Good morning,” I say, holding back a smile. “I warmed this up, so it’s nice and hot.” “Great,” she grits out. “What is it?” “French toast with berries.” “Sounds delicious,” she blurts out, flashing me a fake grin. It’s hard to keep a straight face when she’s worked up like this. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned about Cami, it’s that she’s used to getting her way. deliciousNot this time, though, and it’s killing her. I might be getting a bit too much enjoyment out of this, but it’s best for both of us that I not cave. It doesn’t erase how much I desperately want her. I’ve always used a condom, but when Cami and I cross that bridge, I don’t want anything between us anyway. I could tell her that, but watching her squirm is far too entertaining. whenI place the syrup and butter on the table, and after she puts them on her food, I hold out a small bowl. “Powdered sugar?” I ask. She narrows her eyes, grabbing her fork. “Sure. Why not?” “It’s tasty. Especially with the cinnamon in the mixture.” “Load me up, then.” She moves her plate closer. I snort, shaking my head at her fierce determination to be bitter. “My pleasure.” We eat in silence, casually stealing glances across the table. She keeps a pissed-off expression as she chews, even though she’s obviously enjoying each bite by the way she scarfs it down. Once our plates are nearly cleaned, I stretch my leg underneath the table until it touches hers. At first, she flinches, but I continue until my foot reaches between her thighs. “What do you think you’re doing?” She gives me an incredulous look. “Checking if you’re still wet for me.” With the corner of her mouth tilted up slightly, she pushes her chair back until my foot falls. I watch her closely and am confused as hell when she slides down to the floor and crawls between my legs. “Uh…” I pull back, but she grips the hem of my shorts and yanks them down. “Cami…” I lower my voice, pushing the chair out from under the table. “You better not.” Her delicate fingers wrap around my shaft, and my entire body succumbs to her touch. Fuck. Me. She rises up on her knees just enough to wrap her lips around the tip of my c**k, and I scramble to move away because she’s testing my control. However, she digs her nails into my thigh with one hand while gripping my length with the other and halts me in place. The moment I feel her hot breath brush over my sensitive skin, I know I don’t have a fighting chance to resist her. I’ve wanted her for so long and can’t deny how incredible it feels to have her mouth on me. Tilting my head, I watch as she devours every inch of me. I fist her hair and admire how gorgeous she looks on her knees. “You suck me so f*****g good, Cami.” My eyes roll back. She twists her wrists, stroking me faster and harder while twirling her tongue like a goddamn goddess. “Shit.” ShitMy arms fall, unable to concentrate on anything other than how good she’s making me feel. I’m already close and about to explode. With a loud pop, Cami leans back and wipes her mouth. She flashes a wide, perfect smile, then gets to her feet. Confused, I glare at her. “Uh…” I clear my throat, unsure of what I’m supposed to say. “You finish inside me, or you don’t finish at all.” “You know I can just get myself off, right?” I challenge, shifting uncomfortably in the chair. “Sure, but you’ll have to live with the fact that you chose your hand over my pussy.” “Cami,” I growl. “Quit being a sadist and get your sexy mouth over here.” “Mmm…nah. Good luck with that.” She points at my painful erection and winks, then walks away. I’m not about to let her get her way and win, so I quickly pull up my shorts and follow her. She sees me coming and runs. “No! Go away!” she scream-laughs, rushing up the stairs as fast as she can. Before she gets to the third floor, I grab her wrist and yank her to my chest. We’re both panting and smiling as she tries to escape my grip. “Where do you think you’re going?” “To my room. Alone.” Alone“Wouldn’t you rather have some company?” I arch a brow, pushing her into the wall with my hips so she can feel my c**k rub against her. If she wants to play games with me, I’ll make the next move and show her who’s gonna win this battle. She glares at me, looking like pure temptation, and shrugs. “I got off. You’re the one with blue balls.” Burying my face in her neck, I chuckle against her ear as I slide my hands over her body. “I have plenty of bikini images of you in my s***k bank to finish what you started, but you wanna know the best part? You’re not talking in any of them. I’ll blow my load in less than ten seconds flat.” Cami gasps, pushing hard against my chest, and I release her. She sneers and takes off to her room, slamming the door behind her. I can’t help laughing as I make my way to the kitchen to clean up the mess. She has no idea what she’s in for if she thinks I’m just another person who’ll give in to her demands with the snap of her fingers. Granted, I want to f**k her senseless until we’re both panting, but I’m not giving in that easily. If she wants me, she’s going to have to work for it. After everything is cleaned, I take Bruno outside for his daily exercise, then jump in the shower. I can’t wipe the grin off my dopey face when I relive Cami’s lips on me. That image will forever be ingrained into my mind no matter what. It’s a fantasy I’ve had since I was a teenager, and as soon as it became a reality, it was programmed into my eternal memory. I reply to emails and take a couple of video calls to appease my boss, but it’s a waste of time, considering nothing’s changed in the past few days. I’m keeping in contact with my clients and trying to prove myself, but I refuse to be annoying and pushy when so many jobs have been furloughed, and people have been laid off. I’m fortunate I can do some of my work from home and still earn a paycheck, so I’m not taking that for granted, but I’m also empathic. I can put people first and be good at my job, regardless of what my supervisor thinks. Checking my phone, I notice a missed call from Ryan and immediately worry. I return it, but he doesn’t answer, so I text him instead. Elijah Sorry I missed your call. I was on a conference call. Everything okay? Ten minutes later, he finally responds. Ryan As much as it can be, I suppose. s**t is freaking crazy here. Just checking on you guys. Cameron said you had an asthma attack yesterday. Are you alright? I’m surprised Cami told him or that she’s talking about me to him, period. I’m tempted to ask if she mentioned the panic attack she had the other day, but I won’t air her business in case she doesn’t want him to know. Elijah I’m fine. Freaked her out, though. She nearly nose-dived the concrete while running to get my inhaler. Ryan She would’ve had a royal meltdown if that had happened. Elijah Trust me, I saw a glimpse of that while she changed the smoke detector battery. Ryan You mean, you got her to actually help? What kind of spell did you cast on my sister? I’m tempted to f**k with him and tell him what else I got her to do, but I don’t need him thinking I’m using her, because I’m not. I also don’t want a brotherly speech from him about not hurting her. He knew how much I crushed on her in high school, but he has no idea it never stopped. Elijah It’s the quarantine, man. She even loaded the dishwasher this morning. Ryan Shit. I think she’s cracked. Elijah Haha…wouldn’t surprise me. She’s gonna have a hard lesson in doing laundry soon. I chuckle to myself because I’m almost certain she’s gonna need to wash her clothes in a few days. Ryan Just don’t let her near the stove. She’ll burn down the cabin, and then you’ll both be homeless or recovering in the burn unit. Elijah Considering she doesn’t know how to turn it on, I’m not too worried. I’ve been cooking to prevent any hazards. I feel guilty talking s**t about Cami to her brother, but if I start throwing out compliments, he’ll grow suspicious. Ryan Good. I wouldn’t be surprised if this s**t lasts for months, so get comfortable. I’m torn about how I feel about that. Honestly, I don’t mind being away from the city, especially with Cami here, but the consequences of an epidemic are terrifying. What long-term effects will it have on the people and our economy? Only time will tell. Elijah Please be safe. I worry about you. Ryan I’m doing my best with what we’ve got. Taking all the precautions I can. Ryan I gotta run. Love you, man. Take care over there, okay? Elijah Will do! Stay safe! I set my phone down and say a quick prayer for my best friend and all the frontline workers. I’ve always looked up to him, but now even more. Ryan’s my hero. Though I read the news every morning before I get out of bed, I only allow myself ten minutes because the government’s handling of this is a mess. No one can agree on anything, and it’s like watching toddlers fighting over toys. Watching the press conferences or reading the briefings only spike my anxiety and nerves, and if there’s anything I can control during this time, it’s how much outside noise I allow in while keeping my ass at home. Deciding I need a break and to leave this room, I head downstairs with Bruno, plop on the couch, and click on Netflix. I’m in the mood for something that’ll keep me interested for a few hours, so I end up clicking on an original documentary about a guy who owns a tiger zoo and needs a different hairdresser. Within thirty minutes, I’ve asked myself what the f**k at least a dozen times. what the f**k “This guy is bat-s**t crazy,” I mutter after finishing the second episode. It’s a train wreck, but I can’t look away and end up clicking on the third episode. “Who’s bat-s**t crazy?” I look over my shoulder and see Cami holding her cat as she walks toward me. “This redneck with a bleached mullet,” I explain. She’s quieter than usual and looks nervous. “What are you doing down here?” I assumed she’d stay in her room the rest of the night, doing homework and staying pissed at me. She shrugs, biting down on her plump lower lip. “I got hungry, and I need to refill Chanel’s water.” “I could make something,” I offer. “I’m hungry too.” “Okay, thanks.” She rounds the corner and sits in the recliner. “Wanna watch the first episode while I cook? Or I can give you a recap and catch you up?” I ask. “Sure, I’ll start it, and you can fill me in on the rest when you’re back,” she says sweetly. The tension in the room is so thick, I nearly choke on it, but we’re not bickering, so I won’t set her off on purpose. I restart the first episode and smirk. “Get ready for the best shitshow of your life.” Cami shivers and reaches for a throw blanket. “Are you cold?” I ask. “I can make a fire.” One of the best things about this cabin is the wood-burning fireplace. None of that propane, press-a-button crap. Yesterday, I noticed there wasn’t much wood left, but maybe enough to last tonight. There might be more in the shed, but if not, I’ll have to chop some so we have it for the next few weeks. “Yeah, that’d be nice,” she answers. I get it started, and her face contorts when the first episode begins. It makes me laugh. “This is what you’ve been watching?” She looks just as confused as I was. “Hey, I’m blaming it on the quarantine. Plus, the memes I’ve seen for this are f*****g hilarious, so I had to see it for myself. So far, it hasn’t disappointed in the entertainment department.” “But why does he look like that?” She cringes, curling her legs underneath her and settling into the seat. She’s more invested than she’s willing to admit. I dig through the fridge and pantry, trying to figure out what to make us. I’m in the mood for some comfort food, and when I see the can of tomato soup, I remember how she said she was craving a grilled cheese sandwich yesterday. Grabbing all the ingredients, I put together four sandwiches and two bowls of soup, then grab a few napkins. It looks so damn good, I’m ready to dive in before I deliver it to her. “Oh my God. That smells heavenly,” she says, moaning when I set it all on the coffee table. She perks up, her mouth opening in surprise. “You remembered. Thought you said I had to make this for you?” She raises her brows. “Sounded too good to risk you screwing it up,” I tease. She stares at me for a moment, her eyes softening as I meet her gaze. “Thank you for this.” “You’re welcome.” I take a seat on the couch and reach for one of the plates and bowls. “I wasn’t sure if you liked extra cheese in your tomato soup, but I sprinkled some in anyway.” I grin, remembering how dead set she was on eating low-fat cheese when we arrived. “Mmm,” she hums around a spoonful. “So good.” “You better calm down over there. You’re getting my d**k excited with all that moaning.” Cami quickly covers her mouth as she spurts hot liquid from her lips. Her shoulders bounce up and down as she laughs, trying to swallow down the soup. “Don’t say s**t like that when I’m eating.” She wipes her mouth on a napkin. Chuckling, I shrug. “Sorry. Don’t moan like that, then.” Though I really like hearing it come from her. Especially when she’s underneath me. really“I was moaning about the food,” she emphasizes. “Quit being a perv.” foodI flash a smirk when she glares at me. “Don’t make noises that remind me what it felt like having your mouth on me.” She blushes, and instead of throwing a retort at me, she focuses on the TV and tries to ignore me. It’s cute, but this is just foreplay for me. Driving Cami insane the same way she drove me wild is just the beginning of what I know is to come.
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