Chapter 9

2548 Words
DAY 5 DAY 5Before I open my eyes, I know it’s going to be a miserable day. Between my head pounding and my stomach rumbling, I’m not sure I can even get out of bed. I pull the blankets over my head and groan. Last night, I tried to make a move on Eli, and he shot me down. Rejected. Rejected.In retrospect, it was one of the most humiliating things I’ve done in a long time. Not to mention, it involves the one person who already thinks I’m an uptight royal princess. He’ll never let me live this down. Sinking further under the sheets, I want the mattress to swallow me whole. Knowing Eli, he’s shirtless in the kitchen wearing a smug smirk and waiting for me to grace him with my presence. One part of me wants to get this over with, but the other part hopes I can hide in here and he’ll forget my existence. After a few minutes, the throbbing in my head worsens. I debate whether to suffer through it or search for some medicine. Then an annoying beeping starts. God. I’m already at this stage of the hangover. The beeping continues. Sitting up in bed with my hair in disarray, I look around and notice Chanel’s staring at me. “Do you hear that, too?” I ask, but she blinks at me, then starts licking her paws. The annoying sound grows louder. “What the f**k is that?” I grumble, deciding to get out of bed. Wrapping a blanket around my shoulders, I walk across the room and listen for it again. Opening my bedroom door, I’m convinced it’s coming from downstairs. The f**k? Dragging my sorry ass to the staircase, I brace myself for Eli’s inevitable gloating. He’s going to have a field day teasing the s**t outta me. Sure enough, Elijah’s in the kitchen with his hair looking sexy and perfectly messy. I imagine running my finger through his dark strands, then remember the embarrassment I felt just moments ago. “Good morning, sunshine.” His deep voice echoes against the walls, causing a shiver to run down my body. “Please tell me you hear that noise…” I plop down on the stool behind the breakfast bar. He spins around and looks at me—the smirk I knew was coming planted firmly on his chiseled face. “What noise?” He furrows his brows, studying my face. “Feeling okay?” “Not really.” I rest my arms on the counter and lower my head. “I swear, something is beeping in this house.” “Here.” I hear him walk closer. “Drink this.” I blink, and a glass of orange juice is in front of me. “I can’t. I might puke.” “Nah, it’ll help. Go slow. I’ll make you some waffles to soak up the alcohol.” He shuffles around, and I try to focus on not throwing up, but the high-pitched squeal is driving me insane. I get up to walk around the dining area and living room, searching for where it’s coming from. “Are you sure you don’t hear it?” I drag my blanket with me. I know I’m not imagining it. Moving back to the kitchen, I see his shoulders shake, and soon, he’s full-on laughing. “What’s so funny?” He smirks. “You.” “Are you enjoying my pain?” Eli arches a brow. “What pain?” Pinching the bridge of my nose, I inhale sharply. “Can we pretend last night didn’t happen? Pretty please, for the love of God, don’t gloat about what I did either. It’s embarrassing, and this f*****g beeping in my head is going to make me lose it! Not to mention, I have a headache.” Pretty please“You mean, the part where you crawled into my lap and begged me to f**k you?” “Okay, I know I didn’t do that…you’ve lost your damn mind. I tried to kiss you, not bang you.” “I remember it differently.” He beams. “You were grinding against me, trying to get my d**k all excited.” I hang my head, knowing my cheeks are burning bright red. “I hate you. Shut up. Go away. I’m leaving now.” “Wait, wait, wait.” He grabs my arm and pulls me back, tightening the blanket around me. “What?” I snap. “You’re somehow even more adorable hungover as hell, but don’t be embarrassed. I wanted to kiss you last night, but I didn’t want you to regret it this morning. So, if you still have the urge to straddle my lap and rub against my c**k, do it when you’re sober so I know it’s what you actually want.” I swallow down the lump in my throat, my heart hammering relentlessly in my chest, and nod. “Okay,” is the only word I can muster. The noise returns. “Are you sure you don’t hear that?” I tilt my head. Eli retreats slightly, dropping his arms. “Yeah, it’s the smoke detector. The backup battery is going out.” I step toward him and swat his chest. “You asshole! You heard it all along!” He chuckles, moving back to avoid my wrath, but I quickly give up. Eli shrugs with a motherfucking grin. “Sober up so I can teach you how to change it.” Narrowing my eyes, I follow him to the table. He brings me my glass of juice and then busies himself with the waffle maker. “Why does it sound like it’s in my room and down here at the same time?” “Because the ceilings are so high, and the sound echoes off the walls.” “There are a few up there, so how do you know which one it is?” “You’re supposed to change them all at the same time. But I’m not sure how many batteries you have, so we’ll have to check.” “I’m part relieved it’s not just in my head, but the other part wishes it were so it’d stop when my headache disappears.” “Speaking of which, take these.” He hands me a couple of white pills. “Waffles are almost done.” “Thank you,” I softly say, then swallow them down with my juice. “How are you not hungover this morning?” He shrugs. “I’m twice your size. I can tolerate more.” “Next time we play your stupid game, I’m drinking vodka.” “You’ll be puking for sure. Ryan told me it doesn’t agree with you.” “Ryan is a f*****g tattletale.” I roll my eyes. “And he shouldn’t talk.” “That’s true. Ryan doesn’t drink enough to be able to handle more than a few beers at a time.” I slap a hand against the table. “Exactly, thank you!” Eli brings our plates over along with the butter, syrup, a can of Reddi-wip, and silverware. “You ready for the best breakfast of your life?” he gloats. “What’s in these?” I ask, poking at one. “Chocolate chips.” “That’s a lot of carbs in the morning.” “You won’t be worried about that once you take a bite.” I watch as he slathers his toppings on. “Don’t forget the whipped cream.” “I’m literally going to go into a sugar coma,” I say as I add everything on top of mine. The timer on the oven goes off, and he returns to the kitchen. Moments later, he returns with a plate full of bacon. “You made enough for an army, geez.” “I made extra for BLTs later.” Good thing I packed leggings and yoga pants because there’s no way my skinny jeans will fit after eating Eli’s delicious meals. “So? Thoughts?” “I like it! I can’t remember the last time I had waffles.” “Seriously?” I shrug. “I live off smoothies and salads. Paparazzi, remember?” “f**k the paps. For real. Who cares?” “I’m starting to wonder why I did so much,” I state honestly. “But when I’m unable to fit into my clothes, you have to stop cooking this junk.” Eli snorts, shaking his head and stuffing more food into his mouth. “You have a home gym, so I wouldn’t worry too much. I used it this morning. We could work out together,” he suggests. “What time were you down there?” “I couldn’t sleep, so I went around one.” “Oh damn.” I blink. “Why couldn’t you sleep?” “Too much on my mind, I guess. Couldn’t turn it off.” I nod. “I know how that feels. Especially now. My anxiety is the highest it’s ever been, which is crazy, considering my life.” “I hear pot helps with that.” He smirks. “Just sayin’.” “You know…” I bite down on my lower lip. “One day, I might take you up on that. Especially if I can’t get it under control.” “I only do it when I need it.” “I wasn’t judging you,” I whisper. “I’m always worried about—” “The media,” he finishes for me. “I know.” Nodding, I take another forkful and swallow it down. “This really is delicious. Thanks for an amazing breakfast again.” “My pleasure. It’s nice cooking for more than just me for a change.” “Maybe I’ll try making something for you, but don’t have high hopes. It’ll be something easy.” “Like what? Cereal?” I scoff, shaking my head at him. “Nothing with that attitude.” He laughs, shoving two pieces of bacon into his mouth. “I have been craving grilled cheese and soup. Is that weird?” “That sounds f*****g amazing actually.” He pats his bare stomach. “Think you can do that for lunch?” Eli pops a brow. “No!” I chuckle. “Don’t expect anything from me today.” “Okay, fair enough.” He snaps his fingers with a wicked grin. “Tomorrow then.” I groan as he stands and takes his plate to the sink. “I’m gonna see if I can find a ladder and some batteries for that detector.” “Okay, good luck. I have no idea where either would be.” Eli smiles. “That’s why I didn’t ask.” He takes off as I continue eating. Bruno stares at me from the floor, giving me puppy eyes. “What?” Bruno sits up and edges closer. “I’m not giving you anything.” He blinks, licks his chops, then nudges his nose against my hand. Groaning, I pet his adorable head. “Fine, but don’t tell your daddy. He’d probably yell at me. It’ll be our little secret.” I take a piece of bacon and give it to him. He gobbles it up in one bite, then begs for more. “No more!” I stand with my plate and bring it into the kitchen. Looking around at the mess, I decide to help the best I can and rinse off all the dirty dishes. I even manage to load everything into the dishwasher and find the detergent under the sink. There are a dozen buttons, so I press a couple and hope it’s right. At least ten minutes have passed, and I’m growing concerned that Eli hasn’t returned yet. I decide to look for him, and Bruno accompanies me. There’s probably a ladder in the garage, so I head there first. I open the door and glance around, then see Eli on his knees with his hands to his chest. He’s wheezing like he can’t breathe, and his lips are blue. “Oh my God, Eli.” I panic and rush to him. “What’s happening?” He pats his chest, then bows down, sucking in air. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s having an anxiety attack, but then he leans back, and mouths, Inhaler. Inhaler.“Inhaler?” He nods, and my eyes widen in shock. “You have asthma?” He nods again, and I can’t believe I didn’t know this about him. “Okay, inhaler. In your room?” He confirms, and I quickly run out of the garage, then jump up the stairs. Rushing into his room, I realize I have no idea where to look. I start in the bathroom, rummaging through the drawers and cabinets. When I come up empty, I go to his nightstand. Scattering his s**t everywhere, I frantically look for it. Spinning around, I panic as I try to figure out where he keeps it. I go to his desk and finally find it next to his laptop. “Thank God,” I mutter, then rush back to the garage. He’s in the same spot I left him, and he’s bent over, taking in shallow breaths. Bruno’s lying next to him as if he knows how to comfort Elijah during his attacks. “Sorry, it took me forever to find it.” I hand it over, and he quickly presses the top and sucks in the medicine. I watch eagerly for him to recover. He takes a few more puffs, and after a moment, he starts breathing regularly. “Are you okay?” He nods, blowing out a breath. “That was a bad one.” “How did I not realize you had asthma?” “It’s not something I’ve broadcasted.” He gets to his feet. “Don’t feel bad.” “What triggers them?” He winces, and I step back. “What is it?” “It’s a little painful. My chest and lungs feel sore afterward, but I’ll be okay. It’ll pass.” I fidget with my shirt, feeling helpless and wishing I could do something to make him better. “I think it was the dust,” he states after a moment. “I found the batteries and came in here to get the ladder.” “Well, let me change them out. I’m sure I can figure it out.” He flashes me a wary look. “What? I can. Just talk me through what to do.” “Okay, well. You gotta carry that ladder inside the house. Think you can do that?” I look up at the wall where it’s hanging. It’s at least eight feet, and there’s no way I’m gonna be able to lift it on my own. “Oh, definitely.” Eli chuckles and backs away. “I’ll put on a mask and get it. Don’t worry.” “Hey.” I grab his arm and move him toward the door. “I can totally do it.” His eyes lower to my hand, and he smirks. “Be my guest.”
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