Chapter Four

1532 Words
Damon: "Lamaski, any word on the Clearwater pack?" I asked. "No, sire. However, I found that several creatures outside the kingdom had conspired against the royal family. Their power makes them highly sought after. I would like to see anyone try to harm her. I would make killing them a game. "Have any plans been made, or is it all talk?" I asked. "No, sire. No plans." Lamaski replied. "Keep an ear out, yeah. If anyone gets brave, let me know." I tapped my chin. "Yes, sire," He replied, getting on my nerves now. "Oh, and Lamaski. I'll be stepping out. Keep an eye on things." I had grown restless. I had made a mistake kissing her last night. She had been on my mind ever since her lips touched mine. I had hoped the thought of sneaking into her room tonight would disappear, but instead, it clung to me like a leach. It sucked the life from me until all that was left was her. I was surprised when I arrived, and she wasn't there. Her room was empty, entirely untouched, yet somehow, it was so full of her that it was like being home for the first time. Worry slipped into my mind, knowing she hadn't been here since morning. By this time last night, she was asleep. I flopped down in her bed, propping my arms behind my head. The thoughts of her being out with someone flooded my mind, making jealousy flood my system. Her scent clung to every inch of this room. Dark, sweet… F.u.c.k, she smells so good. I growled, rolling over and burying my face into her pillow. I was fighting the urge to doze off when I heard her steps approaching her room. I let my shadows pull me from her pillows and cloak me. I was slithering along the ceiling, settling, waiting for her dreams to consume her so I could watch her and be with her. When she walked through her door, she looked exhausted and filthy. Her feet barely dragged her inside the room; it was clearly a challenge to make it to the shower. As she went, she laid her half-eaten peanut butter jelly sandwich on the nightstand, tearing her clothes off and throwing them to the floor. I told myself to turn and give her privacy, but her dirt-soaked skin intrigued me. I had never been so fascinated by another. I have never wanted something as badly as I want this woman. The steam from her shower filled the room, magnifying the sweetness of her scent, making my longing for her unbearable. She left the bathroom in a robe that she waited to shed until she sat in bed. Her long, wet black hair clung to her skin like her being had clung to me, and now she lay beneath a thin blanket, bare, making me grit my teeth. Her eyes were closed before she hit the pillow, and as her breathing stilled in the darkness, my body thrummed, aching to be next to her. Just a bit closer. I stood in the corner, watching her sleep. Her skin flushed from the heat of being wrapped in her blankets, and her lips parted in peace, so sweet. "What a pretty little thing," I whispered to myself. I had snuck in the last two nights to watch her dream, and I became more enthralled by her each time. I am still surprised to find her out later than usual this time. Where had she been, and why did I care so much? She stirred, recapturing the attention that had drifted to who she could have been with tonight. I fisted the collar in my pocket, sticking my finger through the hoop on the leather strap. A collar that, if ever placed around her neck, cannot be removed. "A pretty little pet… a pretty little mate." I thought, fingering the loop in the collar as the thought of placing it around her pretty neck overwhelmed me. She stirred again. The blanket wrapped tightly around her body loosened its grip, revealing her naked flesh. I swallowed hard as her n*****s hardened against the chill that invaded wherever I entered. She kicked the blankets off until there she was, completely bare. I took in her beauty, fighting the need growing in me to touch her… to taste her. "Wake," I whispered, unable to watch her any longer. She smirked as her eyes fluttered open. "You came back," she smirked in her half-sleep state, unaware that her body was lying before me like a feast. I raised my hand, making the sheet cover her. It was then that the realization struck her. She clutched onto the sheet like a lifeline that would save her from embarrassment. I licked my lips, watching as her cheeks flushed darker. "Tu-Turn around." She swirled her finger at me. But I only stood there, watching as she stood from her bed. She may sense me, see me, but not truly. I had not revealed my complete form to her, and I likely would never get the chance. When the sheet started to drop, and the bruises painting her back caught my eye, I lost that small tether of sanity I had clung to. Had this been why she was late returning? Had someone hurt her? I will kill whoever dares harm her, whoever dares place their hands upon her body. I didn't recognize this side of me, the side that craved her so desperately, the side that had her pinned against the wall. My hands sat on either side of her, her face against the drywall, her fists tangled in the sheet she held tightly beneath her chin. "Who?" a growl escaped my lips. "Wh—Who what?" she whispered, breathless, at the aura that had enveloped the room—the aura that would kill any man brave enough to step within its reach. "Who hurt you, princess? Just give me their name, beautiful. I'll have their head gift-wrapped for you." I let my shadowed hand reach out. My fingers ran along the bruises that covered her entire back. She closed her eyes with my touch, soaking in the chilling trails dancing across her heated, tender skin. She leaned into my hand, my palm touched her body, my hand touching every part of her black and blue flesh with ease and healing. "No one. It happened during training," she said, still transfixed by my fingers that were easing the soreness. "Training?" I asked, rubbing her back, her neck, her shoulders. My face was so close to her ear that my breath fanned against her hair. I could hear her heart racing for me. "Mhmmm," she hummed, dropping the sheet around her ankles while her green eyes closed. She inhaled deeply, pulling my scent into her lungs. I let my shadows caress her, pushing my body against her soft skin until we were flush with one another. "What are you training for, little one?" I knew it was the Royal Games. She was training to be able to win a game I had already decided to ensure she won. The collar began burning a hole in my pocket, waiting for her to answer, itching to sit around her throat… But I want her to choose me. I don't want to force her... not if I don't have to. "It's a long story," she murmured. "I have all the time in the world, Princess," I spoke as I backed away, releasing her from my hold. She floated back to her bed, never taking her eyes off me, and she never put the robe on, either. "Why did you kiss me?" She asked me a question I honestly couldn't answer without telling her I wanted to take her for myself, make her my queen and I, her king. "The better question is, why did you let me kiss you, princess?" I smirked when her eyes widened, surprised by how close I remained to her. "Well, why are you sneaking into my room, and why won't you tell me who you are?" a laugh slipped from me. "So full of questions." I shook my head, perched on her footboard, and watched as she laid down, looking at me from her own pillowed perch. "Do you know I can see you?" she asked, eyeing my shadow form curiously. "I do." I know it's odd. She shouldn't be able to, which only strengthens my belief that she should be mine. "Please… what's your name? What harm could come from telling me?" she asked sweetly, looking at me. "In time, little one," I whispered, floating over her. I smiled as she sank into her pillows below me. My lips skated across her forehead. "Go to sleep, Ivy," I whispered, making her chill again. "Not until you tell me your name." She yawned, fighting the spell that would let her rest. "Damon," I said as her eyes closed, hoping she was already fast asleep and didn't hear me. If she ever spoke my name… I turned away from her, tucking that thought deep into my chest, letting the shadows that hid me drag me back to hell.
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