Chapter three-1

2005 Words

Chapter threeFor a moment there was the silence of sheer stupefaction as Lord Wynchingham and Tina turned to stare at the newcomer. Her appearance was certainly something to make anyone gasp. While she was very small and old with a yellow wrinkled skin like parchment, the Dowager was dressed in the height of fashion. A gown of brilliant strawberry-pink satin was caught up over a petticoat of silver lace and the bodice was embellished with silver ribbons, while down her chest fell a cascade of pearls, diamonds and rubies and a glittering profusion of necklaces that accentuated rather than detracted from her age. Perched high on her white wig was a coquettish little straw bonnet, gaily bedecked with feathers and tied under her chin with ribbons. There were diamonds sparkling in her ears a

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