Chapter 12

1606 Words

Jackson POV  It's been 2 weeks since Sophia left and things just haven't been the same. Sam has been calling her everyday trying to get a hold of her. There are nights when she isn't able to sleep. She just tosses and turns in bed. It hurts me to see her like this. But I know Sophia is fine. She just needs some space is all. But I'm here for Sam in any and every way that she needs. I take her places to distract her from any thoughts of Soph. And it works for the most part. But I know she would be able to rest when Sophia give her the call.  Ryan on the other hand looks like he is in hell. I went to visit him a few times and f**k if I never believe in karma I believe in her now. Victoria completely re decorated the whole house. There are new cars new everything. Ryan and Sophia room is no

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