#Chapter 18 Break My Bones

1475 Words

My blood runs cold seeing him there. Anxiety crawls up my throat like a lizard and clings to the back of my tongue, leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I realize Hailey is saying something on the phone, and in my rearview mirror, I see her car approaching. “…Can we…rrr-raincheck?” “Huh?” “Sss-something came up. Let’sss…meet later.” “…I guess so, yeah, we can raincheck. I’m seriously sorry about the sign, Cynthia…” “It’sss okay. Talk to you later. Texss…t. Text me when you get home.” I hang up the phone and wait until Hailey leaves, staring at Oliver. He stands at the door with his hands in his pockets, patiently looking back at me. He had been my guiding light before. Now, seeing him there reminds me of someone else. Someone older, taller…drunker. I get out of my car and head up to th

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