Wolf furrowed his eyebrows, then he relaxed and smiled again, "Because I now have a family I love." "In most any other situation, I would snatch you out, and place you somewhere else. There are plenty of foster parents available. What have you learned at this school?" "Do you mean, in class?" Wolf replied. "No I don't," Mrs. Parker answered. "I mean what have you learned on your own?" Wolf breathed in deeply, slowly let it out, and then inhaled once more, "I've learned it is good to have friends. I've learned you have to work hard to get what you want, like riding horses, or saving Shadow. I've learned you have to work together, to do anything really worthwhile, and it's good to ask for help, if you need it." "My, that is a lot. It sounds like you don't have any time to play." "We do