1439 Words

As I thought about Silas, my mood dampened. Dennis noticed my change in demeanor and got up to eat. I didn't want to spoil our time together, so I pushed Silas out of my mind and began to eat. It had been a good morning, and I wanted to keep it that way. "What do you have to do today?" I asked, trying to spark a conversation. "We are devising plans to ensure the safety of our warriors when they attack the Gold Wind Pack." "Are they coming here to fight again? Or are we seeking them out?" "Does it matter, Love?" "Well, yes! Wouldn't fighting them on our own territory be favorable?" "You are correct, Emily. I don't know if it will happen." "They will come back at some point. We still have Jake," I replied, trying to act like I knew what I was talking about, but I was just guessing. "

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