1338 Words

I followed him and his friends inside and went to my next class, Human History, taught by Mr. Smith, a troll. After I finished the final, which took the whole hour, I went to my next class. River Monsters, taught by Miss. Seaswift. I also got through her final quickly enough. It only took me 25 minutes, and then I left the classroom. I walked to my locker and found Silas standing by it with a smile, waiting for me. "What do you want to do the rest of the day?" "I needed to talk to Dennis, but it can wait if you want to do something else." The mention of Dennis made Silas sad, which was visible on his face. Silas then asked if I wanted to visit the swimming hole. However, I was uncertain about it as I didn't know if I should take Jake's warning seriously. I looked down at the ground, and

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