1313 Words

I excused myself to Silas' room and mind-linked Dennis. I'm starving; they aren't feeding me enough. I figured that would get his attention the fastest. It worked as I started to feel dizzy, and Dennis' voice came to my mind. Come see me, and I will feed you. You still have to make a ruling on John as well. He's just been sitting in the basement jail cell waiting. Just give him the sentence I told you about. I can't go all the way there; you will have to meet me somewhere. Okay, My Love, where at? The swimming hole, I responded while climbing out the window. I jumped down and started running full force into the woods. When I got there, Dennis was already waiting for me. I could smell Silas, and I knew he was miles away. I walked up to Dennis, and the first thing he did was offer me

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