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I wasn’t worthy of him... At Lux’s words, I could feel my heart ripping to tiny pieces and my whole body turning ice cold. "Sire." The healer sighed, running a hand across his face. "Do you really think it is a good idea to irritate the patient?" "I think it is best to stomp out any false delusions a ridiculous omega would have." Lux responded coldly. "Am I wrong?" Flinching I tried to control my emotions as Lux’s indifference hit me like a ton of bricks. Sure, I shouldn’t have had any hopes given the fact that he is the king of Altaire and of all packs, but that didn’t mean that I expected such a harsh refusal. "Don’t worry." I murmured, trying to reign in my emotions. "I wouldn’t have such thoughts about a royal. I know my place. " Standing, I ignored the pain that raced through me. I wasn’t sure exactly what I was planning to do next, but I just knew that I couldn’t stay here. "Sit down." Lux ordered, moving forward and placing a hand on my shoulder. "What do you think you are doing?" What did I think I was doing? Hell, if I knew, I just didn’t want to have to stay here and possibly start crying in front of this man that just flat out rejected me without blinking an eye. "Are you deaf?" Lux asked more forcefully. "I said sit down!" Not giving me any time to respond, Lux pushed hard, making me sit back down on the medical bed so that my wounds could be treated. Biting my lip, I refused to look at him as he eyed me in irritation. Looking from me to Lux, the healer remained unmoving, seeming to be at a loss as to what to do. Clearly, there was tension in the air, and it was affecting all around us. Sighing, I turned to the man, giving a small smile despite my wanting to crawl into a hole and die. "If you wouldn’t mind." I said quietly, indicating that he could treat me. "I’m sorry for causing you trouble." "Good girl." Lux murmured in satisfaction. "Healer Hayes, please take care of her while I go to see if Thelma has managed to find you some clothes." Nodding I watched as he exited the room, leaving healer Hayes and I alone. Grabbing my arm healer Hayes jabbed me with a needle causing a stinging sensation to rush through me, followed by haziness. I wasn’t sure what it was that he injected me with but it was beginning to blur my vision. "Now that he’s gone, will you tell me what happened?" Healer Hayes asked, catching me by surprise. "Does telling you what happened affect your treatment?" I asked, unable to meet his gaze as embarrassment and shame rushed through me. "No, but I think if someone is allowing something like this to be done to them, they’re stupid." Healer Hayes responded ruefully while beginning to tug at my tattered shirt. "You let quite the damage happen." Flinching, I tried to not let his words get to me. All my life, I was insulted and beaten. What difference did this man make? Though I told myself this, I felt the urge to change it rush through me. "Now, I’m going to ask again. Who did this? " Healer Hayes repeated while turning to collect some supplies for treatment. "It’s a long story." I responded suddenly feeling giddy. "Good thing we have time." "Have you ever heard of the Onyx Fang Pack?" I asked, suddenly feeling emboldened. "They’re known for being cruel and ruthless. They’re one of the strongest, only second to your Blood Moon Pack. " I began, realizing that the words were just starting to pour of their own free will."When I was very young, my mother and I fled from our original pack due to my father wanting to turn my mother into a pack w***e. We were on the run for days until Collin Rivers found us and took us in. " At the mere mention of my stepfather, I felt a chill run through me. Immediately, images of his drunken, hungry face flashed before my eyes, causing me to begin shaking. However, as soon as they appeared they vanished into my haze filled mind. "You don’t have to continue if you don’t want to." Healer Hayes said, gently taking in my state. "I didn’t mean to..." "It’s fine." I insisted as another giggle erupted followed by a wave of dizziness so strong I had to stop myself from falling over. Healer Hayes moved forward to try to help me, but I held up a hand and smirked indicating I was fine. Deciding that it was better to keep his distance, healer Hayes went back to what he was doing. "In the beginning, Collin was good to us and treated us with such care, even when his pack denied us because my mother wasn’t his mate. You see, that woman died many years ago, but somehow my mother was still considered the bad guy for ruining their love. ’ "Because his pack was so against us, we were kept hidden within the safety of Collin’s home, where my abuse first began. It started with my stepbrother. He didn’t appreciate us taking away his and his mother’s love. ’ ‘At first, it was little things here and there. He would steal a toy, shove me down, things like that. But soon it escalated to scratching me and slapping me. Because I didn’t want to cause trouble between my mother and Collin, I endured and kept quiet. I thought maybe it would end eventually, but it didn't. ’ ‘Soon it escalated to his friends and pack mates joining in, and even when I would go to run errands, due to being granted freedom, I would be abused everywhere I went. No one would help me and no one cared. For years, that was how it went." I didn’t know what was happening to me, but I was beginning to feel like I was coming down from some strange high. Whatever drug it was that healer Hayes used, it was something and I still couldn’t understand how the story of my past was just flowing from me. Was this some type of truth serum? "A few years after our arrival, my mother grew sick. It didn’t take long before the illness took her from me. It was that day that Collin’s temperament and actions changed. He blamed me for my mother’s death, claiming I was nothing more than a bad omen. That was when he began to join in on my stepbrother’s abuse. ’ 'Because I had nowhere else to go, I endured up until tonight, when he and my stepbrother tried to rape me." "What?" Healer Hayes yelped, his eyes growing wide with shock. "They tried to do what?" Opening my mouth, I prepared to retell the story of what led to my fleeing, only to stop as an overly outraged snarl ripped through the room around us. Eyes growing wide, I had just enough time to see Lux storming towards me, his eyes blazing with fury. Reaching out, he clamped his hands on my arms and made me look him in the eye. "What did you just say happened?" He demanded, his voice shaking. "Who tried to do this?" "It doesn’t matter." I said quickly, looking away as my heart started to do flips in my chest. "It’s over and done with." Whatever was in my system disappeared the instant Lux appeared and now I was feeling completely sober. Confusion rolled through me as I tried to make sense of why he looked so angry? Didn’t he already tell me that I’m beneath him? "LIKE HELL IT IS!" Lux roared. "What kind of piece of s**t does something like that to a weak and helpless woman?" I knew that he wasn’t necessarily trying to insult me with his words, but I couldn’t stop the stab of hurt that shot through me at being called weak and helpless. Sure, I knew that I was those things. However, I didn’t want to hear them come out of someone else’s mouth. "Again, it doesn’t matter." I said more forcefully, trying to remain calm. "Will you let me go, please? It hurts." Growing deathly silent, Lux kept his gaze fixed on me and his hold on my arms. Only after healer Hayes touched his shoulder did he finally relax and let me go. Letting out a long breath, he let a frown form on his perfect face as he headed back towards the door. Bending down, he grabbed a pile of garments that he dropped in his rage-filled state and brought them to me. "Excuse me. " He hissed, placing them on the bed beside me before turning to leave. "I didn’t mean to pry into your business." Lifting a hand, I considered stopping him, only to drop it and look away from his retreating form. I didn’t have the right to try to stop him, and I didn’t want to make any more of a fool of myself than I already had. For now, I just needed to let healer Hayes continue his work so that I could leave. I didn’t want to be a burden and I didn’t want to stay in this place any longer. As soon as I was patched up, I would leave. That way, Lux would never have to set eyes on me again.
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