
1344 Words
"Such a beauty." My stepfather laughed, his alcohol filled breath hitting my face. "How can such a beautiful woman be so f*****g useless?" A sharp pain shot through my cheek as his hand connected with my skin; the impact was strong enough to send me sprawling to the ground. Glass sank into my skin where my hands connected with the floor to catch myself. Hissing, I lifted one and looked at the blood that was already beginning to well around a large shard that stuck out of my palm. “Clean this up.” My stepfather snarled. Standing up I sucked in gulps of air replenishing my empty lungs as I lifted my eyes to meet his gaze. One thing I knew was that he couldn’t stand looking at me for too long because I reminded him of my mother. With my ice blue eyes and long dark hair, I was always told that I was the spitting image of her. Though the man didn’t love many people, he loved her unconditionally. The beginning of his downfall happened due to losing her, but that didn't excuse his actions in the slightest. "DON’T LOOK AT ME WITH THOSE DISGUSTING EYES!" He screamed kicking out. Gasping I curled in on myself as his foot connected with my stomach again and again. Trying to hold back the scream that wanted to escape me I bit my lip. I refused to give this bastard the satisfaction of seeing me beg for anything. "GET UP b***h!" My stepfather growled, reaching down and grabbing me by the hair. "I ought to guage out those f*****g eyes. "Sorry." I hissed through gritted teeth. "They’re the only ones I have." "Don’t do it without me!” Austin called, reappearing at the top of the steps and making his way towards us. As he came into view his eyes immediately fell on me. Darkening they traveled from my face, down my body and back up. "Should we teach her a lesson?" He asked without even knowing what the hell was going on. Granted, why should I expect any less? This was how it always was ever since my mother and I came to live with their pack. From the very start we were treated as outsiders. Though at the time my stepfather protected my mother, he always turned a blind eye to anything that was done to me. "What do you have in mind, Austin?" My stepfather asked, drawing me back to the present. "If she can’t be useful for being a maid then how about we use her for something else?" Austin suggested as a hungry look began to form on his face. "What?" I gasped, my eyes growing wide. He couldn’t be serious right now. "You’re drunk, you aren’t thinking straight!" "I’m thinking plenty straight." Austin chuckled, licking his lips. "Drunk or not, I’ve wanted to see what it was like to f**k you for a long time." Moving forward he let a slow smile creep across his face. Realizing that he was being serious I began to struggle in my stepfather’s grip. "NO!" I shrieked, trying to break free. Even though the man was drunk, he was still strong and, with my increased efforts to escape, his grip only grew tighter. "LET ME GO!" Closing the distance between us, Austin placed a hand over my mouth muffling my screams that could possibly be heard by our neighbors. "Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle." He whispered in my ear, sending a wave of disgust rushing through me. Laughing, Austin moved back just enough to grab the hem of my shirt and yank causing the fabric to easily rip down the middle instantly exposing my bare stomach and bra. "Please, don’t do this!" I begged as tears began to prick at my eyes. "Don’t!" "Stay still b***h!" My stepfather growled, twisting my arm behind my back. Wincing, I tried to move away from Austin’s touch as he ran a hand from my collar down to my belly button. "How have I never noticed how f*****g good you look?" Austin murmured to himself as his fingers began to trail along the top of my pants. "You seeing this dad?" "She’ll make a good fuck." My stepfather agreed, beginning to laugh. Feeling my fight or flight instincts begin to kick in I felt something in me snap as Austin’s fingers started undoing the buttons of my pants. Lifting my leg ever so slightly I slammed my foot down on my stepfather’s causing a yelp of shock and pain to escape him. That was all the opening I needed as his hold loosened enough for me to jerk free. Determined to escape I reached out my hands, shoving them against Austin’s chest just enough to push him aside as I ran forward. "YOU f*****g b***h!" My stepfather growled composing himself. "WHERE THE f**k DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING?! DON’T LET HER ESCAPE, AUSTIN!” "I won’t!" Austin hissed as the sound of heavy footsteps sounded from behind. Picking up speed, I made my way to the door. I managed to begin pulling it open just as Austin’s hand flew past my head, shoving it closed. "Where do you think you’re going?" He growled, grabbing my shoulder with his free hand and digging his nails into the skin there. "Be a good girl and just cooperate." "NO!" I snarled, tossing my head back so that it connected hard with Austin’s nose. Cursing, he tugged my shoulder throwing me against the ground as blood began to pour from his nose. Scrambling up, I looked at the window just to my left. Realizing that this was my only escape, I jumped forward, preparing myself for impact. Glass and wood splinters slashed against my skin as I leapt through the window and out onto the yard. From just inside the house, I could hear my stepfather and Austin cursing in shock at my actions. Clearly, they hadn’t expected me to take such drastic measures. Getting up from the grass, I began to move forward not bothering to look back and see if either one was following me. I don’t know how long I ran, but eventually I felt my energy beginning to wear out before I collapsed against the moist grass somewhere deep in the dark forest. Panting, I tried to get up and continue to move only to find that I no longer had the energy for it. From the beating I had endured and the loss of blood I suffered from multiple gashes along my skin, I was no longer able to move. Letting out a long breath, I turned on my back and looked up at the sky above just as a shooting star shot across the sky. Closing my eyes I found myself wishing that maybe, just maybe I would die and all my suffering would finally end. "Are you alright? " A deep, rumbling voice asked. Eyes flying open I found myself staring up into deep golden eyes that seemed to almost glow in the dark of the forest. "God?" I asked, beginning to feel slightly delirious. "Am I dying?" "Dying?" The man asked in confusion as a frown formed on his face. Instead of responding, I simply smiled in the hopes that maybe I was in fact dying and this was the end of my suffering. Not to mention the fact that I got to see such a stunning man before my death as well. "Maybe dying isn’t so bad." I murmured. As the words left my lips, pain shot through my body causing me to turn over and curl into a ball. Above me the man’s eyes grew wide in shock as he took in my beaten and bruised state. "What happened to you?" He demanded, kneeling down and scooping me into his arms. "Sorry if this is forward of me, but I’m taking you somewhere to be treated." "Sure." I sighed as my head rested against his chest allowing me to hear the sound of his steady heartbeat lull me to sleep.
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