What A Night!

1904 Words
Lexie's POV: Over the weekend, time flew by as Hannah insisted on dragging me out of the house on Friday. We took a photo of my company ID and made some last-minute preparations before I began my new job next week. "Hmm. I don't know, Hannah. The skirt is too short and tight," I told Hannah as I slipped into the sleek black pencil skirt. "Nahhh! You look great! And I love how that skirt hugs your bum!" I rolled my eyes at her. "What?!" She exclaimed. "I don't think this is appropriate!" "Oh, come on! You look good in it, sexy-tary!" She couldn't help but burst into laughter at her joke. I gave her another eye roll. "Come on, Lexie! Hahaha!" "Whatever! I will try on another skirt. A modest one this time!" I tried on a couple more clothes, and once I decided, I told the clerk that I would purchase them. As I handed the basket to her, I noticed that tight and short black skirt. “Hannah! What is it doing here?” “Don’t worry, babe! This one’s on me. It’s my congratulatory gift for you.” “Thanks, but no thanks! I will not be wearing that to the office.” “Fine. Don’t wear it to the office, but at least wear it when going on a date or a party!” “Hm. Excuse me, ladies. Should I punch this? The line’s getting long.” The cashier interrupted us. I looked around, and indeed, the number of people has increased. “N-“ “Yes! We’ll get that!” Before I could protest again, the cashier scanned the barcode. I looked at Hannah with a side-eye glance, and she just shrugged. After shopping, we stopped by a café and got a quick bite. “It has been a while since I went shopping. I forgot that it could be this exhausting.” I said with a sigh. “I know, right?! We just walked around for a couple of hours!” “Hahaha! Next time, let’s shop online.” Hannah and I exchanged a couple more stories and ate snacks before saying our goodbyes. “I’ll see you soon! And good luck on Monday! Let me know how your first day went, alright?” “Yeah, I’ll call you. Thanks for today!” “No worries! Oh! And wear the damn skirt!” She said with a wink. Over the weekend, I prepared everything I would need for Monday. According to HR, I must submit my health certificate to ensure I am fit to work, as well as additional identification and other documentation. The evening before the start of the workweek, my dad and I decided to have a little celebration to mark an exciting new chapter in my career. On Sunday evening, my Dad and I visited our go-to burger place located in the heart of the city. The familiar aroma of sizzling beef and freshly baked buns greeted us as we stepped inside. "Alright, what can I get you, hon? How about their Double Cheeseburger Deluxe with some extra crispy bacon on top? My treat!" my Dad asked. "It's my treat, Dad!" "Darling, this time it's my treat. It's been too long since we've celebrated like this," he declared, signaling the waiter with a raise of his hand. "... add some bacon on that, medium fries, and a chocolate milkshake with cherry on top. It's a special day for my girl." "Dad! That's a lot!" "No worries! You'll need all the energy for tomorrow!" I simply brushed it off with a grin. But he had a point. It's been quite some time since we shared a meal together. His late-night work schedule often keeps him away until past midnight and the next morning, onto his other job. We rarely see each other as we are both struggling with multiple jobs. As I gazed at him, I couldn't help but notice how much older Dad appeared. His eyes seemed weighed down by heavy bags, and there were more strands of gray woven into his hair. "Hey, Dad, once I settle into my new work, try to relax a little, OK? Try to go home early and get plenty of rest." "Don't worry about me. Have a great time! Treat yourself to whatever you like. I'm so happy that Hannah took you shopping last Friday. You deserve to relax and have fun without overworking yourself. Our debt's almost gone now. Go, enjoy! Go on a date, too!" "Date? I don't think so, Dad. I will barely have time for that." "Hey, it's time to prioritize yourself and your future. Take the time to go on a date and enjoy yourself!" As our conversation paused, our order arrived. The aroma of melted butter on the bread, the sizzle of the savory beef patty, and the gooey cheese oozing out made my stomach rumble in anticipation. After the waitress walked away, I eagerly sank my teeth into the juicy burger and couldn't contain a satisfied moan of delight. “Hm hm hm! So good!” “Ha ha ha! I am glad you are enjoying your food, Lexie!” “Yeah, ish been oh whoile…” While munching on a mouthful of food, I attempted to reply to him. “Ha ha ha! My little girl! How many times do I have to tell you that don’t talk if your mouth is full.” My Dad grinned at his remark. “Yesh, Dad.” “Go on, just eat now.” As we sat across from each other, we indulged in our delicious burgers, savoring each bite in comfortable silence. The crispy, golden fries perfectly complemented the meal. To top it off, the milkshake was an exquisite blend of sweetness and creaminess, leaving a delightful taste lingering on the palate. After swiftly devouring our meal, I wondered whether our voracious appetite was driven by sheer hunger or simply by the irresistible deliciousness of the food. "Wow, what a fantastic meal!" my Dad exclaimed as he rubbed his tummy in a circular motion. "Yeah, that was awesome! Let's revisit this place once I've received my first paycheck. So, where are you headed now, Dad?" "I have a shift at the construction site tonight, so I might be home a bit late. My colleague, Rupert, had an accident a few days ago, so I had to cover his shift for a while." "Alright, Dad. Take care of yourself. Don't overexert it, OK?" After paying the bills, we bid farewell to the restaurant and went our separate ways to catch the bus. As soon as I arrived at the stop, I noticed that no one was there. "Hmm, that's strange. It's just a little after 7 o'clock." I whispered to the empty street. I lingered at the bus stop, but soon a shiver ran down my spine as I couldn't shake off the sensation that someone's eyes were fixed on me. As soon as I felt weird, I tried dialing Dad's number. Damn! He's not answering! It might have been silent. I tried again and again, but no answer. I tried dialing Hannah's - same! She's not answering. Where are they? "Are you alright, miss?" My spine tingled with chills as the man spoke in a hoarse, eerie voice. I hadn't realized he was approaching, nor had I even noticed his presence until then. "N-No, I am good." "But you don't look, OK." "I am fine. My Dad will be here any second." I began to feel uneasy as he closed in on me, taking slow, deliberate steps. I quickly adjusted my movement, sidestepping and increasing my pace to create more distance between us. "You don't have to be scared of me, miss. I won't do anything. I'm just trying to help." I replied in a high-pitched voice, saying, "I'm good," with emphasis. "Don't talk to me like that, lady." He said as he grabbed my arm. I attempted to pull away, but his grip was too strong. "Let go of me!" No matter how much I struggled, I couldn't break free from the firm grip of the man holding me. After a few moments, a faint rustling sound emanated from across the street. The man abruptly let go of my arm and quickly distanced himself from me. I was left bewildered by his sudden departure, as if he was fleeing from something much more menacing than himself lurking on the other side. As I cautiously stepped backwards, I kept a watchful eye on the looming shadow just across from me. Suddenly, a piercing gaze met mine - a pair of the most striking deep blue eyes locked onto mine, holding me in place. As I approached the bus, its familiar yellow frame came into view. Upon boarding, I eagerly peered out the window, hoping to catch another glimpse of the mysterious creature with its deep blue eyes. Unfortunately, it had vanished without a trace. As I took my seat, I glanced at my phone and saw that I had 8 missed calls from Dad and 5 missed calls from Hannah. Worried, I quickly called my dad to fill him in on the situation. "WHAT?! Where are you right now? Stay right there. I will pick you up." My Dad anxiously said. "No need, Dad. I am on the bus right now. I will be home in a few minutes." "I'll swing by the bus station to pick you up. You never know; he could have trailed you!" "But you have work!" "Don't mind that, honey! I will get back to work once I know you're safe. I will be at the stop in a couple of minutes." "OK, Dad. Thanks!" After the call was disconnected, I immediately dialed Hannah's number. She picked up the call after it had rung three times. In her customary fashion, she responded with her characteristic energetic voice. "Hey, girl! What's up?" So, I retold the story once more. "What the f*ck?!" "Yeah. I know, right? It was really creepy." "I'm so sorry, Lexie." Her voice quivered with sadness and regret. "I was having dinner with my colleagues and completely missed my phone ringing." "Don't worry about it, Hannah! That man was a total creep. I am just thanking whoever or whatever was out there that scared him away." Hannah kindly stayed on the phone with me until I reached my stop. Her presence brought me a sense of comfort and added an extra layer of security during my bus ride. As soon as I caught sight of Dad waiting in the shed, I quickly ended the call. My Dad pulled me in a tight hug as soon as I stepped off of the bus. "Oh my goodness! I am glad you're safe." I reciprocated his hug and had entirely calmed down. "Let's get you home now, sweetheart." My father dropped me off at our small yet cozy apartment in the Bronx. As he prepared to depart, he carefully surveyed the room, hastened to ensure the windows were securely locked, and then enveloped me in a warm hug. After he departed, I readied myself for an early night in anticipation of the next day. Lying in bed, I gazed up at the ceiling and found myself unable to shake the memory of those piercing blue eyes. The way they bore into me still gave me chills.

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