Chapter 8Tuesday evening Mama and Papa’s house “Thanks for inviting us for dinner. We worked Hannah so hard today that I sent her home.” Carlo sat down at the table with a huge bowl of salad. “You and Jack are always invited to dinner. I always make enough in case my family stops by. Papa and I eat the leftovers for lunch.” “Mama you are a jewel,” Jack said as he dug into his baked ziti with Italian sausage and beef. “Give me some notice next time and I’ll make braciole.” “You mean the stuffed rolled up beef? Nonna used to serve it with polenta.” Jack’s mouth practically salivated. Mama slowly smiled. “So do I. How did Hannah do today?” Carlo answered, “Everything is washed and put away. I didn’t know you had to wash the baby’s clothes before she could wear them.” “Chemicals, pest