Chapter 12

410 Words
Khrystyna is so excited to finally get the goods on Tanya that she doesn’t notice that she accidentally hit the delete button on her camera phone before she closed her phone. “Hi, Mrs. Watkins. Is Marshall home?” Khrystyna asks Marshall's mother, when she answers the front door. “Yes, Khrystyna, he’s up in his room. Just go on up.” Khrystyna heads up stairs and down the hall to Marshall’s room. She knocks on the door and Marshall yells from inside for her to come in. “Marshall, can we talk?” Khrystyna asks, once inside Marshall's bedroom. “What is it, Khrystyna?” Khrystyna hands Marshall her phone to him the video log to find the incriminating video that would expose Jon's fake attack on Tanya. “Why are you handing me your phone?” “I overheard a conversation between Tanya and Jon about how she set you up to believe that Jon attacked her.” Marshall opens up Khrystyna's camera on her phone to view the video, but finds nothing. “Ah, Khrys. . .I don’t see anything here. Are you sure you turned the camera on?” “What? Let me see it.” Marshall hands her her phone. Khrystyna turns it on and is horrified to find that it is not there. “I don’t understand. I know I recorded it. It’s just got to be here.” Khrystyna frantically searches all her videos for the incriminating evidence. She is heartbroken because now she doesn’t have the proof to blow Tanya out of the water and get back with Marshall. “I think you need to come back when you actually have some proof. Until then, don’t bother me with any of your lies.” “But Marshall, I did have proof.” “Save it, Khrys, and stop making Tanya look so bad. Face it, I’m now with her.” “I will get the proof to show how she is using you.” “Until then, ciao!” Khrystyna runs down the stairs crying, not able to believe that she no longer has the proof. She leaves Marshall’s house goes home. Once home, Khrystyna vows to get even with Tanya for taking Marshall away from her. She won’t rest until Marshall is back in her arms where he belongs.
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