Chapter 16

446 Words
As Tyler is researching what Khrystyna found on Tanya, he finds something else that Khrys must have overlooked. He finds an xxx-rated video on an adult website. Tyler wonders what a video of an underage girl is doing on there. He makes a mental note to ask Tanya tomorrow at school. But for now, Tyler shuts down the computer and goes to sleep. The next morning, Tyler wakes up a half an hour late and has to rush and skip the delicious breakfast his mother made for the family. Tyler is at his locker when he spies Tanya in a smooch with Marshall. He shuts his locker after retrieving his books for his next few classes and walks up to them and lightly taps on Tanya's shoulder. "Tanya, dear, may I have a word with you?" Tanya tries to brush Tyler away so she can continue kissing Marshall. "Tanya, it's kinda important." "Okay, Tyler...I'll be with you in a minute." Tanya gives Marshall one last kiss before going off with Tyler. "Okay, Tyler, what is so important that it couldn't wait?" "Well Khrystyna is still trying to break you and Marshall up so she can get back with him." "So what else is new?" "Well, she found footage of you killing your father in self-defense and asked me to find a way to use it against you." "I hope you told her no?" "I told I'd see what I could do." "You what?" "Relax Tanya. I'm not going to do it. I'm going to tell her I couldn't find anything." "And why would you do this?" "Because I want Khrystyna for myself. I've been in love with her since grade school." "Good. So what does that have to do with me?" "I did find some damning information on you." "What? That's impossible!" "Yes...I found a xxx-rated video on an adult website of you." "No, you didn't!” Tanya said, defending herself. "So you did do a xxx-rated video?" "I needed the money." Tanya lied to protect her secret. "I'll keep it a secret if you promise me one thing?" "Anything, Tyler. I'll do anything to keep this hush-hush." "You continue to keep Marshall happy so I can have Khrystyna for myself." "Okay!" "If I hear that you and Marshall have split, I go to Khrystyna with this information!" "It's a deal, Tyler! Khrystyna will never get Marshall back. I will have no problem keeping Marshall happy." "Okay, thank you Tanya!" Tyler goes off to his algebra class one happy guy. He plans to ask Khrystyna to the homecoming dance in two weeks. He is pleased to finally get the girl he's always wanted for so long.
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