Chapter 19

397 Words
Jon still couldn't forget the dirty little trick that Tanya did to him...and all so she could take Marshall away from Khrystyna. Well, Tanya wasn't going to get away with this, Jon thought to himself. He knew her dirty little secret! He knew about the secret xxx-rated video that she did! And he knew that it a total lie that her father made her do the p**n video. Tanya needed the money and that was why she made it. Jon was about to blow Tanya out of the water with all her lies. xxx Tanya, thinking she is in the clear, sidles up to Marshall while he is at his locker and wraps her arms around him, "Well, hello, Sexy!" Marshall turns around, excited to see Tanya and gives her a kiss, "Hello, Baby!" "I can't wait to go to the prom with you, Marshall, tomorrow night." "Me either, Babe!" As Marshall and Tanya are discussing prom plans, Khrystyna is listening from a distance, "Your not going to get away with this, Tanya!" she silently repeats to herself. Tyler sneaks up behind Khrystyna, scaring her, "Hey, Khrys, what's up?" Khrystyna turns around to see Tyler behind her, "Oh crap, Tyler, you scared me! What do you want?" "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the prom with me tomorrow?" "Uh, no, Tyler, I wouldn't!" Tyler is hurt by Khrystyna's words, "Why Khrys, I thought we were friends?" "You're not my friend anymore!" "Why? What did I do?" "Just go away, Tyler! I'm busy right now!" Tyler walks away hurt and destroyed that Khrystyna rejected him, again, after all he did for her. If that wasn't enough, Tyler spots Tanya with Marshall happily holding his hand and giving him a kiss. Tyler thinks to himself, "Why do you get Marshall and I get nothing, Tanya? We had a deal and you reneged on your part, and you're not going to get away with it?" Just then, Jon sees Tyler and notices his depression. "What's wrong, Tyler?" "That b***h, Tanya!" "She hurt you too?" "More than you know, Jon. And she isn't going to get away with it!" Noticing the pain in Tyler's voice, Jon gets an idea and manages to bring Tyler into it. Jon and Tyler both smile, wink at each other, and shake hands at the ingenious plot to finally ruin Tanya!
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