Chapter 2

425 Words
Jerry continued his plans to ruin Prom Night at the end of the year. It would be perfect to get back at his classmates for all the bullying he suffered at their hands. The one night they would all be looking forward to was going to be squashed! Jerry couldn’t wait to bring down his terror on everyone! Meanwhile, Khrystyna felt alone without Marshall. Why did he have to help Tanya. She didn’t need his help. She was only using him. Why couldn’t he see that? Why does all the pretty, popular girls get to take a guy away from the unpopular girls? Khyrstyna's thoughts are interrupted by Tyler, one of the geeky kids at school who has a crush on her. “Khrystyna, why do you look so down?” “Oh hi Tyler,” Khrystyna replies, looking away from him. “It’s nothing you would understand.” “Why don’t you try me?” “You’ve never been in love with anyone, so you couldn’t possibly give me advice on this.” Khrystyna said, unaware of Tyler’s attraction to her. “Who let you down this time? Marshall?” Tyler replied, even though he was deeply hurt by Khrystyna's remark. “Just leave me alone. I don’t want to talk about this with you, you geek!” “Why are you treating me like this, Khrystyna? We’ve been friends since kindergarten.” “You’re nothing but a geek and I don’t want to be seen at this school with you. You’ll ruin my reputation. Now go!” “Fine, if that’s the way you want it! I won’t tarnish your image with my geekiness! This friendship is over! Why don’t you go back to all your popular friends!” With that, Tyler stormed off. Khrystyna felt so bad treating Tyler that way, but it couldn’t be helped. She just couldn’t be seen with him. What would the other students say if she hung out with him? They would call her weird and a wimp. She just couldn’t have that, no matter how long they’ve been friends. Tanya couldn't win Marshall this time. . .not after the way she landed Jeremiah when she brought him to her 13th birthday party. Khrystyna would make sure Marshall was hers before Tanya got her hands on him.
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