Chapter 5

336 Words
After sulking for an hour while in the girls' rest room, Khrystyna decides to confront Marshall to see what went wrong with the two of them. Khrystyna finds Marshall shooting hoops in the gymnasium. “Marshall, may I have a talk with you?” “Sure, let's have a seat here on the bleachers.” “Why did you ask her to homecoming? I thought we had plans to go together?” “I thought you were angry with me and didn’t want to go. So I asked Tanya to go with me.” “What’s happening between us, Marshall?” “I don’t know. All I was doing was tutoring Tanya in her math class and you flipped out about it.” “She’s manipulating you, Marshall. Can’t you see it?” Khrystyna tried to reason with him. “So, I’m supposed to ignore a friend in need of help with a class she’s having trouble with because of my drama-queen girlfriend?” “Tanya’s not a friend, she’s scheming to be your girlfriend! She planned this whole ruse. I’ll bet she isn’t even failing her classes!” “That’s a mean, cold-hearted thing to say. I didn’t think you could be so cruel, Khrystyna.” “Oh, so now I am the cruel one.” “Khrystyna, you've changed. You're not the same girl I met!.” Marshall spits out at her. “Well, I hope you have fun at homecoming.” Khrystyna tells him, as she walks out of the gymnasium. “I plan on it.” Marshall yells after her. “Don’t ever call me again, Marshall. We’re finished.” Khrystyna is so hurt, she can’t even finish the rest of the school day. She packs up her books from her locker, stuffs them in her backpack, and walks home.
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