Chapter 10

301 Words
Tyler notices Khrystyna at her locker, reading, and attempts to avoid her. “Hey Tyler.” Khrystyna calls after Tyler. Tyler keeps walking to his calculus class, but Khrystyna continues to follow him. “Tyler, wait!” Khrystyna pleaded. “I wanted to apologize to you for last night.” “I forgive you, Khrys.” Tyler says, who was never able to be mad at his best friend. “So, did you hear the news about Tanya?” Khrystyna asked Tyler. “Yes, Jon called me from his jail cell.” “Jon called you with his one call?” “Well, he couldn't get a hold of his lawyer, so he called me and asked me to bail him out.” “So what did he say?” “That Tanya is charging him with attempting rape.” “Jon tried to r**e Tanya?!” Khrystyna laughs. “Tanya is such a liar. It's so obvious that she set Jon up for rape.” “How do you know, Khrys?” “Because she wants Marshall's sympathy!” Khrys shoots back at him. “Tanya is playing games with Marshall to keep him away from me!” “You really think Tanya is just playing games, like she did with Jeremiah?” “I know she is!” “Get over it, Khrys!” Tyler tells her. “The world doesn't revolve around you!” “You think I'm crazy?!” Khrystyna says, bitterly. “Yes, I do.” Tyler tells her. “You just want to get Marshall back, so you used me to make Marshall and Tanya's night miserable.” “I said I was sorry.” Khrystyna reminded him. “Yeah, whatever, Khrys!” Tyler tells her, as he leaves her standing in the hallway alone.
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