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Third Person P.O.V Later at lunch, Alisha and Megna were sitting at there spot and talking with each other. “What he did that” Megha shout getting surprised by today’s event that happens in the school. “omg~ you’re a very lucky girl. He really wants to protect you” Megha said getting excited. “Megha I said not too loud.R rumors will spread in the school if you talk so loud,” Alisha said getting annoyed. “I’m sorry, I’m just too happy for you my friend,” Megna said when Alisha phone started to vibrate. Alisha takes out her phone and shocked to see that Luke has messaged her. *I hope you were Okay. I am here in the rooftop come and let's talk* "Who is that?" Megna asks smirking at her knowingly. "Umm, Lukes wants me to meet him at the rooftop," Alisha said still looking at her phone. "OMG~ Can I go with you I also want to meet him and also want to be his friends," Megna said giving Alisha her best puppy dog eyes. "Of course Megna, your my best friend and I know he will accept you too," Alisha said with a huge smile and Megna tackle her in a bone-crushing hug thanking her repeatedly. "Let's go," Alisha said and they both walk up to the rooftop to see Luke was sitting in one corner waiting for her deep in thoughts. "Luke?" Alisha called him and he turns to see Alisha and Megna walking towards him. "Sorry for waiting," Alisha said and both girls take a seat next to him. "I was worried for you, are you okay?" Luke asks looking at her not noticing Megna with her. "Yes I am fine and thank you for being so nice to me," Alisha said. "Tsk...Of course, I will be nice to you I am your friend remember," Luke said. "Are you okay? You Zone out for some time," Alisha ask. "I am Fine, just worried about you," Luke said. "L.. Luke," Alisha said and blushed. "Alisha, can you do me a favor?" Luke asks looking at her still not noticing Megna. "What is it?" She asks. "Can you smile for me?" he asks and a small smile automatically come to her face with a light blush. Luke stared at her for some time and burst out laughing, Alisha and Megna joined him after some time. "You look so cute when you blush, you know," Luke said. "Thank you," Alisha said blushing while looking down at the ground. Megna clears her thought to draw their attention. "Guys, I'm here too you know, hey, Luke I'm Megna," Megna said and both look at her. "Tsk!! I don't care who you are! What are you doing here?" Luke asks a little annoyed. "I'm here because I want to be your friend too," Megna said. "I'm not interested in annoying fan girls," he said annoyed. "What!! b...but why?" Megna asks shocked by his out bust. "Luke, I invite her here. She is my only friend," Alisha said to him in a sad voice. "Is that so...Fine, I will accept her as my friend but only in one condition," Luke said. "If she doesn't come near me and did not touch me, do you understand?" Luke ask Megna in a stern voice. "Oww. But Alisha can hold your hand," Megna ask and both of them look down at their intertwined hand. Alisha was about to say something while blushing when Luke cut her off. "Hey, we're friends you know so that's normal," Luke said while scratching the back of his neck while Megna smirk looking at Alisha. On the other side, Varun was doing his work in his office when his phone started to ring. "Hello," Varun said. "Mr. Marshal, I am sorry to say this but I have to return back your money tomorrow, I will see you at my club," a voice behind the phone said. "What!! What are you talking about?" he asks shocked. "Your younger brother had paid 3X to our price that means, he will take Alisha as his own now," a voice behind the phone said. "Luke purchased her??" he asks in an angry voice and cut the phone. "I can't believe it. Why did it do that?" he asks himself. "I think I will ask him myself when he comes home and I will tell him to take the money back if he doesn't do that then I've no choice but to talk to the father, I hope he will handle this situation nicely," he said to himself. He completes his work early and goes home to talk to his little brother. (Luke P.O.V) As I was about to enter my room, being tired of a long day in a school an angry voice of my brother stop me on my way. "What is the meaning of this?" Varon asks me in a stern voice. "What are you talking about big brother?" I ask innocently knowing very well that he was talking about Alisha. "Don't act like innocent Luke you know very well about what I'm asking you?" Varon said barely able to contain his anger. "Oh, are you talking about Alisha then it's my return gift to you for forcing me to this f*****g career for your own happiness, why? got a problem with that" I ask with a smirk. "Luke it is for your own good, why is she involved in this?" he asks defeated. "Why?" I ask annoyed while looking down at the ground. "Because she is not a toy, and who are you to questioning me?" I shouted at him and everyone comes out to see the commotion. "Everyone there is nothing to see here, go back to your work," I shout at the maid and servants who gathered here to see the commotion. "If you want to take her, pass me first before you can touch her, no one dares to take her away from me, not even you," I said to him while looking at her with a narrowed eyes. "HMPH! you can try me if you want, she is mine and only mine and no one else," I said and walk past him towards my room. "How dare him to, thought that he can take her away from me?" I said and walk towards washroom with my spare clothes to cool off some steam. (Alisha P.O.V) I was sitting in my room preparing for my extra subjects exam when suddenly door open and my mom enters my room calling my name sweetly. And I look at her shocked. It's not like her to be sweet with me. There is something cooking in her evil mind and I was really afraid to know what. "Oh, why you look so shocked sweetheart, I won't hurt you come here, I am just here to call you for dinner, let's it together," she said very sweetly. *yup there is really something going on her mind* I thought. "B..But," I shutters. "Alisha, Darling like I said I won't hurt you, okay, so don't be scared from me, now let's go and have dinner together," she said and walk out of my room and I follow her not wanting her to be angry at me and hurt me.
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