1123 Words

Tanya shook her head while still crying and said, "no, I can't do that type of job. I'm not a prostitute." Tyrone laughed, "no one is born a hooker baby, they all learn. Does it look like you have a choice here? There are just three things that can happen to you. One, you work for me and continue to live until I set you free. Two, you refuse to work for me and I shoot you right now, harvest your body parts and sell them to the highest bidder. I bet that would get me double the amount of money your granny owes me and that too in a short while. Three, I chose to do the right thing and hand you over to the cops so you get hung to death. Which is it going to be Red?" "How about being a good human and just letting me go?" Tanya asked. "Tyrone shook his head, "that isn't going to cut it, ba

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