Part 9

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The Alpha was a bit sceptical about taking her along with him. Somehow he managed to have breakfast in his study with Aria and decided that maybe he should start the construction on the floor he was saying. It would be easy for him and he can draw another room adjacent to his room so that they don't have to sleep on the same bed. His beta questioned him about the new omega and her status in the pack. It was almost he knew something but Xander stayed firm on his answer. He denied when the beta asked him about his change of mood and whether it was connected to the arrival of the omega. "Are you ready?" He questioned the omega when he noticed that she was busy picking at the strap of her heels. It concerned him to see how high her heels were. She tilted her head look at him and hummed, "Yes now I am" He gave her a weak smile and turned to pick his wallet and phone from the desk. The Alpha was going to receive the papers from the lawyer today which she has to go through and then two meetings scheduled before and after lunch. He wasn't sure how he was going to keep Aria entertained. "Do you want to take something along with you?" Xander asked as he noticed that she was wearing a skimpy white top and black skinny jeans paired with those high white heels. She definitely did not look sixteen. The omega shook her head while nervously shifting on her feet, "I don't have any phone with me so no" He mentally reminded himself that he needs to take her shopping so that she can get whatever she needed. Besides was going to start school nearby so she definitely needed the mobile phone. The nearby packs were not friendly at all. "Remind me to take you shopping on the weekend," He said while walking towards the door. He could feel her footsteps following him as he moved twisted the knob of the door. Aria collided against his back and her hand immediately wrapped around his bicep to steady herself on the ground, "I am a sorry daddy" He could see the pink tint in her cheeks but she did not let go of his hand, gripping it tightly as if her life depended on it. He managed to slide out of her great and scooted away from her even though he was tempted to press his face against her neck. "Are you fine?" He cleared his throat while blinking his eyes at her. The Alpha could not see any signs of distress so he was sure that she was fine. "Yeah sorry about that" She nervously talked the loose strand of hair behind her ear not meeting his eyes. It was moments like this he really wanted to believe that she was innocent and naive but suddenly she changes into this nymph who loves to tease him. "No worries babe. Let's go" *** "Aria?" Someone called as soon as they stepped out of the packhouse. The Alpha clench his eyes when he noticed it was Rinnia, the beta's wife holding a newborn. Beside him, he noticed that the omega had a weak fake smile on her face at that and slowly nodded ahead as if she did not want to be acknowledged. He knew that she was not ready to meet any of them and socialize but it seemed as if she had no choice. "You're Aria right?" Rinnia cooed like a long lost mother who was meeting her daughter for the first time. It was insane the way she was so excited. Xander gave her a look so that she would back away and go mind her own business but it seemed as if she did not get the message. He sometimes hated how much freedom he allowed the pack members because they blatantly disobey him The beta's mate balanced the newborn baby in one hand while bringing the other hand towards Aria, "You really are pretty. Just like our Alpha mentioned" Aria seemed to have lightened at that because she grinned and turned towards the Alpha, "You think I am pretty?" Xander uncomfortably cleared his throat and looked away. The Alpha used to talk about her because he thought he had no chance of meeting her again. He had no idea that he would be outed like this. The Alpha felt her stare digging into him as if she was waiting for the answer. "Alpha?" Rinnia called him out again to which he turned his head towards both of them. He noticed that Aria shifted closer towards him after Rinnia addressed him as the Alpha. Was she claiming him? It confused him, sudden reaction but he let that go. "Yeah... That was because we were both good friends." The Alpha shakily took a breath hoping that his voice didn't give away. He still thought that the omega was the prettiest one I had ever seen. Obviously was not going to do anything about it but he cannot help but appreciate her. "Can we go please?" Aria tugged at his arm, her face impatient and she was avoiding looking at the omega in front of them. Rinnia's face fell at that. The Alpha noticed that because she immediately backs way and had a fake smile on her face. "Umm... I don't want to take too much of your time. You guys must be busy" "Thanks." Aria huffed as she looked away from the omega and stared at Xander as if hoping he would come to her defence. She looked like a proper brat and he want to discipline her he wasn't sure that what was the right way. It was making his skin crawl at the way she behaved with his beta's wife. It was so unpleasant and uncalled for when Rinnia was being nothing but nice to her. "That was not nice at all" He glared at the omega as soon as he noticed that Rinnia was out of earshot. Aria rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arm around his arm and pulled him towards the other direction, "I don't care" "You should. I already told you the rules last night Aria. You cannot behave this way with other pack members. Just because you are my..." He bit his tongue as he realised that he was almost about to spill, " friend doesn't mean you are going to get any sort of special treatment. You are a pack member just like them" "But daddy she was calling you her Alpha" Aria whined as she stared at him with an angry expression on her face. He sighed, "That's not what she meant. Besides everyone in the pack refers to me as the Alpha." Aria shook her head at that and tightened her grip on his arm, "No I don't like it." He let out a breath and narrowed his eyes at her. He couldn't figure her out exactly and it affected him because it was easy for him to know what the other omega is thinking. But Aria was different and difficult to deal with. "It doesn't matter what you like or what you don't like. If you're going to stay here you have to follow the rules." He yelled at her to which he noticed the omega flinched and cowered away from him. Her hand slipping out of his arm and she looked angry at his tone. "f**k you. I can behave however I want to. I don't care" She whined back at him and it made his vessel pop. No one ever dared to talk back at him and it irked him that he was allowing the omega to talk like that only because she was grieving. "Aria you're crossing your limits now. I understand that you are grieving but that doesn't mean you have right to talk in that manner" He growled back at her to which she met his eyes daringly as if his words did not affect him at all. The omega twisted her mouth, an amused smile playing at the corner of lips. Why was she thinking it was funny? Everything that happened with Rinnia and her talking back to him made him infuriate even more but seeing how she was unapologetic and talking back to him made him even angrier. "What are you going to do then? Spank me?" She snorted while crossing her arms against her chest and staring at him with a challenging look on her face. The Alpha was reminded about the dream he had about spanking her. He wasn't sure that it was going to come true because he would never use that sort of discipline on anyone but he was so gone and angry that he couldn't think straight. He stared back at her, noticed the way the omega slightly shivered at his intense stare and backed a bit. "Don't tempt me omega. I might just take that offer" "You're all talk" She huffed. "That's it! You are going to get fifteen spanks for that smart mouth" He growled ***
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