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THE END AUTHOR POV NOTES: I'm sorry but I need to finish the story because I don't have enough time to do things, I'm not a full time writer and it's hard to make money so I hope you understand if I speed up the story 2 YEARS NOW Aaron had come home from another country and he immediately looked for aliyah, because aliyah's old friends told him that she was no longer seen going out, so when aaron went to look for aliyah, one of Aaron's men found aliyah at the gate covered in bruises Aliya had a wound on her body, Kris was beating her, so when Aaron found out about that, Aaron was very angry with Kris until the day came when Aaron's men ran away from their house, Kris. Aliyah is lethargic and thin and Aaron is so nervous he doesn't know what to do when he sees Kris. Until aliyah feels well and okay, they think of a plan for kris,Aaron has the power to bring down kris,their plan is all the wealth and when kris owns it, they will take revenge for what was done to aliyah but they will take revenge in a good way not bad and the plan includes sending Kris to prison for beating aliyah for more than two years aliyah endured 2 years for kris, aliyah could hardly bear the beating of kris Until the right day comes when Kris loses everything and Aliyah ends up in jail And Aaron is flirting with aliyah because we know that he loves aliyah very much since she was just a date, Aaron gave everything that aliyah needed, such as a house for aliyah's family and the company that Aaron will handle, he raised with increased until the profits have grown like shares A few months passed and aliyah answered him and their relationship was good. Aliyah has a business there, such as a coffee shop and a salon. Until they build a happy family and they are satisfied with each other, three children and all girls so aliyah is happy because it is a dream NOTES FROM AUTHOR: I'm sorry readers, I need a formal job, so even though this is my first book, I'm going to say goodbye, I don't know when I'll be able to write a book again, I know it's hard and it doesn't seem very good to your taste. but I hope you like it because I won't waste time writing so I have to finish it right away. ANOTHER QUOTES 'We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers.' -1 Thessalonians 1:2 
'Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, For His loving-kindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the God of gods, For His loving-kindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, For His loving-kindness is everlasting.' -Psalm 136:1-3

'Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, For His loving-kindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the God of gods, For His loving-kindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, For His loving-kindness is everlasting.' -Psalm 136:1-3

"Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character." 

Often we are so busy in criticizing the world, that we fail to notice all those things around us that we should be thankful for.

On today's day, let us thank God for the rain, for the sea, for the sky, for the rainbow, for the air we breathe and for the people we meet. But most of all, let us not forget to thank him for the sweet gift of life.

All our lives we go about searching for miracles, to make us happy. And we forget the greatest miracle of all called 'life'.

Life by itself is a gift. Everyday that comes by is a gift from above, wrapped in invisible paper. Hence it called 'present'.

Take this day as an opportunity to thank all those people who have made a difference in your life. It is never too late to thank a person. You may just make their day and give them a reason to thank you.

Today put all your complaints aside, close your eyes and think of all the wonderful ways you have been blessed. Now open your eyes and say thank you to God.

Remember all the people who have made a difference into your life, no matter how big or small. Now make it a point to thank them.

Thank God for the sky above you. Thank him for the sun, moon and stars. Thank him for the rain drops, for the birds, for the animals and the flowers. Thank him for the people in your life, both good and bad. But most of all thank him for this beautiful thing called life.

It is very important to carefully pick the words you use when you are thanking others. Especially when you want your sincere appreciation to reach their hearts.

Don't ever take the people in your life for granted. Thank them for what they are to do, before it is too late.

A person can live for days together without water, food and clothing. But without any hope, a person will die within seconds.

Even a beggar who's heart is filled with hope, is the richest person you will ever come across. But there cannot be anyone poorer than a person who doesn't have any hope left, no matter how wealthy he is.

Hope goes above everything else in the world. Because even if everything dies, hope always lives. It will always be there, like a candle in a dark room. Don't ever let this flame of hope out.

If you are faced with problems, it means you already have to ability to solve them.

Happiness arrives in everyone's lives. Sometimes early, while sometimes you got to wait a little.

Dream about something you really want, and then start preparing for the day when it will arrive in your life. 
temporary, even if for a moment frozen in time, the existence of hope within another human being.
And even if you were not loved like this, you are still lucky. See, sometimes people come into our lives and they love us like sunrises — filling our hearts with the melted hues of tenderness and peace, their energy clouding our bones with the breathtaking pinks and the purples of feeling, only ever leaving us softer, and kinder to ourselves, only ever taking our breath away.
But sometimes, sometimes people come into our lives and they love us like hurricanes — filling our hearts with tempered squalls of doubt and dishonesty, their actions clouding our minds with the blackened blues and grays of questioning our hearts, of questioning our worth, or questioning if we love too hard, if we feel too deeply, if we are simply too much to hold. The hardest lesson you will ever have to learn is that this too is a gift. To have been loved in halves, to have been loved by someone who could not understand what it meant to hold such a rare and hopeful thing, is to have been loved by someone who taught you how to walk away. How to choose yourself for once, how to stand up for your worth and for the way you exist in this world. At the end of the day, they may not have loved you, but they did teach you how to survive the wreck- age, how to endure the storm, and how to rebuild
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