Chapter 24

380 Words

TWENTY-FOUR They drove back to the car salesroom and picked up Colin’s car. Chaise went into the reception area. Ted saw him, went white and stood up so quickly his chair toppled over. He held up both hands as if he were an extra in a very bad Western. “Hold on there, pardner,” said Chaise. “I’ve just come to cancel my deposit.” Ted didn’t seem to understand, shook his head and began to shake. “Listen, me and the hubby, we’re getting on famously. So everything is all right now, you understand?” Ted nodded, but his hands were still in the air. “I’ve spoken with the police, and everything is all lovely and cosy. All I want to do is cancel the car.” Ted’s arms came down very slowly. “That’s, er, unfortunate. Are you sure I couldn’t interest you in something else? A Mazda perhaps? That’s

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