Chapter 25

2345 Words

Katy It's been three days since the kids and I moved in with Sky, but although we all live under the same roof, the big guy has been avoiding me. It's not like I don't know why. He is hurt and confused, and while I wish I could sort things out with him directly, I have a feeling I can't. It's going to take time to win him over. I don't mind. Baby steps are fine, and I'm lucky that Sky is so devoted to the kids. He is a good father and has spent much of his time with Kit and Kinsley. Two days ago, he took Kit to a football game, and yesterday, he was making pearl necklaces with Kinsley. Our kids love him, and my heart warms whenever I see the kids together with their father. My only wish is that Sky, and I could start over. If there weren't any underlying hurt between us, I could maybe

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