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CHAPTER 1 Aria Amethyst's Point of View "Aria, sweetheart, they say you can start tomorrow," Aba's voice resonated through the phone, a message that ignited a cascade of emotions within me. Joy and excitement swirled together like a tempestuous dance, setting my heart aglow with newfound hope. At last, the opportunity I had been fervently praying for had materialized—a job! For a seemingly interminable month, I had languished at home, my aspirations fading into the shadows, as I grappled with the heart-wrenching loss of my previous job due to the abrupt bankruptcy of the company I had devoted my energies to. "Really, Aba? Thank you so much!" I exclaimed with an effusion of gratitude that welled up from the depths of my being. Her soft, affectionate chuckle reverberated through the receiver, a serenade to my ears that ignited an irrepressible smile on my lips. I had yearned for this moment for so long; the taste of victory was sweet indeed. Weeks of fruitless job applications had left me feeling like a solitary figure adrift in an unforgiving sea of unemployment. In a world that often places an exorbitant premium on academic degrees, my lack of formal education has become an insurmountable hurdle. My dreams of becoming a teacher had remained just that—dreams. The dreamer in me had reluctantly made way for the pragmatist who understood that my family's needs eclipsed my own aspirations. I endeavored to complete my studies, to carry the torch of education forward, but the flames had flickered and dimmed in the face of mounting familial responsibilities. The pain of that decision had cut deep, yet it was a sacrifice I made with a resolute heart. My family needed me, and I was unwavering in my dedication to their well-being. Aba's next words were a beacon of practical guidance, ushering me into this new phase of my life. "Well, dear, you should start packing and bid farewell to your mother because you'll only be able to visit on weekends. Johnny, Ma'am Elcid's family driver, will be picking you up tomorrow." Her voice was both a roadmap and a lighthouse, guiding me toward the unfamiliar shores of my future. The prospect of leaving my humble abode to embark on this new journey filled me with a cocktail of emotions. Anticipation was the dominant note, but an undercurrent of sorrow at the impending separation from my beloved mother and sister, Arissa, tugged at my heartstrings. However, the burning desire to provide for them, to elevate them from the clutches of poverty, ignited an unquenchable fire within me. My footsteps echoed with purpose as I traversed the threshold of my home, my sanctuary. "Mom! Arissa!" I called out, my voice a melodic crescendo of happiness. The aroma of my mother's cooking, the sizzle and pop of frying fish, danced in the air, a savory prelude to the news I carried. My mother, a paragon of strength and resilience, emerged from the kitchen, a ladle in hand. Her eyes, a reflection of my own, mirrored my jubilant countenance. "What is it, dear? You look so happy," she observed, setting aside the ladle with care. I couldn't suppress a chuckle, and I attributed my burgeoning appetite to the tantalizing scent of the dish my mother had prepared. "Where's Arissa, Mom?" I inquired eagerly. It was imperative that my sister, the radiant beacon of my heart, be present to share in this momentous revelation. Every sacrifice I had made, every obstacle I had overcome, was for her. Arissa, my cherished sibling, was destined for greatness. She stood at the cusp of transitioning from high school to college, a stepping stone toward her bright future. My fervent wish was for her to experience opportunities and experiences I had been denied. I yearned to be the architect of her dreams, to ensure she never had to make the sacrifices I did. Her future held no room for compromise. The mention of our father, a ghostly presence in the recesses of our lives, cast a fleeting shadow. His absence since my infancy had left a void, his Moroccan heritage a distant echo in my identity, contrasted with my Filipino lineage. Arissa, my dearest sister, bore the mantle of a different father, the late Uncle Albert, who met a tragic end in a work-related accident six years past. He had been the embodiment of kindness, his benevolence, our lifeline, funding my second year of college. Uncle Albert's untimely demise, a cruel twist of fate, had catapulted us into the merciless throes of poverty. As the eldest, I had been thrust into a role of sacrificial devotion, forsaking my academic pursuits for the well-being of my family. It had been a heartrending choice, but necessity had carved that path. Our existence was hinged on survival, and survival demanded unwavering commitment. The bitter reality of our lives lay bare before me. The chasm between those who had completed their education and those who hadn't yawned wide, offering disparate opportunities. My pursuit of knowledge had been eclipsed by the imperative to provide for my family. A gentle nod from my mother revealed her understanding of my unspoken words. "Oh, she's at school today," she replied, her brow creased with concern. The revelation prompted a nearly forgotten revelation—I had neglected to factor in Arissa's school schedule. She was now a high school senior, teetering on the precipice of her college aspirations. Her dreams deserved every sacrifice. I acknowledged my oversight with a simple nod, silently chastising myself. "I have wonderful news to share, Mom," I announced, taking my mother's hands in mine. Her eyes, windows to a world of unspoken emotion, widened in anticipation. A heartfelt smile played on my lips as I uttered the words I had yearned to say. "Mom, I have a job now." The weight of those words bore witness to the culmination of my fervent prayers, and my relentless search for a lifeline. The ensuing embrace between mother and daughter was an affirmation of love, a testament to the unbreakable bond that had sustained us through adversity. Tears welled up in my mother's eyes, a testament to the poignant journey we had traversed together. "Really, dear? Thank you! Will you be working for Mrs. Elcid?" my mother inquired, her voice laced with hope and curiosity. She recognized the significance of this opportunity and its potential to transform our lives. A nod of affirmation was all that was needed as I shared the details of my impending employment. "Yes, Mom, for Ma'am Elcid, in the Castillo Family," I replied. The Castillo Family, a name synonymous with wealth and influence, beckoned as the harbinger of change in our lives. The smile that graced my mother's lips was radiant, a testament to the trust she had placed in Aba, who had served as the head cook for the Castillo family for an extended duration. Aba's unwavering recommendation paved the path for my acceptance as a housemaid within the household. My purpose in this new chapter of my life was clear—to alleviate the financial burdens that had weighed down my family and to ensure that my beloved Arissa would have the opportunity to pursue her dreams, unburdened by the limitations that had beset me. My mother's words, laden with gratitude and the weight of our shared struggles, stirred my emotions. "You take care over there, okay? I'm sorry you have to work for us. Let me do better at selling vegetables and fruits at the market to help you too." In that moment, I was overcome with a profound sense of appreciation and love for the woman who had stood as both mother and father in my life. I cradled her in my embrace, my voice quivering with emotion as I whispered, "Mom, don't say that. You know I'm doing this for you and Arissa. I want to provide a better future for you guys, especially for Arissa." Her tearful response was a testament to the depths of our shared devotion. "Thank you so much, dear. I'm so lucky to have you as my daughter." Embraced in that moment, our shared love and unwavering commitment served as a testament to the strength of familial bonds. Tears of gratitude glistened in our eyes, bearing witness to the journey we had embarked upon together. "Mom, you and Arissa are everything to me. I'll always do my best for both of you," I whispered back, each word laden with the weight of my unwavering promise. In the following days, I embarked on the dawn of a new chapter in my life, each step an affirmation of my commitment to the betterment of my family. My attire, meticulously chosen, embodied the sense of purpose that propelled me forward—a white blouse, symbolizing the purity of my intentions, and a knee-length black skirt, a visual testament to my unwavering determination. With my hair neatly tied in a ponytail, I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, a resolute determination etched into my visage. The reflection staring back at me was no longer the aspiring teacher; it was a young woman ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of her new life. As I stood at the threshold of my departure, a sense of both trepidation and excitement coursed through my veins. The Castillo family beckoned, their abode an enigma, a world apart from my humble existence. The uncertainty of what lay ahead hung in the air, a palpable aura of anticipation and trepidation. The arrival of Johnny, the family driver, signaled the moment of departure. I bid farewell to my mother and Arissa, their embraces a reminder of the bittersweet separation that lay ahead. Their tearful goodbyes tugged at my heart, but I held fast to the conviction that this journey was the path to a brighter future for all of us. As the car pulled away from my home, my sanctuary, a cascade of thoughts and emotions swirled within me. Little did I know that this venture into the unknown, this seemingly ordinary beginning, would be the catalyst for an extraordinary journey—a journey entangled in secrets, mysteries, and a love both forbidden and irresistible.
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