Chapter 7

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A week after Taehyung start living in his new rented apartment with his son, everything was settled. He even calls Hoseok to inform him that he will meet the ceo of Jeon Fashion design to start working with them as per the contract of both companies are signed. "Are you really sure of that, Tae? If your uncomfortable,just tell me and i will send someone else." Hoseok told Taehyung. He was so worried that all the pains of Taehyung for last three years would open up again. "Im hundred percent sure darling. Dont worry about me. Thank you for always being so considerate of me." Taehyung replied with a smile even though the other cant see it. Hoseok sigh,  "okay fine. I believe in you. And by the way, i miss you darling bear." "I miss you too. You can visit us if your not too busy. I already have rent a apartment here." Taehyung said. "Dont worry, im really gonna visit you there, i miss Dan so much. And by the way, just call me if you need anything there." Taehyung hum and both sides bid their goodbyes. Taehyung feels so lucky that Hoseok is always there for him. They may be boss and employee for others eyes but to theirselves, they treat each others as brothers. Both get along together, they have so many similarities and both are gays too. "Momma, im hungwie." Dan said bringing Taehyung at the moment. "Ah, okay baby. Lets go to the kitchen and wait for a bit,okay baby." Taehyung said, carrying Dan walking towards the kitchen. He put Dan at his chair and he start making muffle. It took only few minutes and their breakfast are done and both start eating. ~~~~ "Joy, can you call Mr. Byun to my office." Jungkook said to his secretary. "Yes Mr. Jeon." Its been a week since Jungkook saw Taehyung and he felt like those past days made him miserable. He even cant concentrate to his work. Some of his employees notice this too and some of them start gossiping about what Seulgi blurted before. Jungkook knows about all this issues but he told them in a meeting yesterday that he doesn't want hearing this issue again. A knock from his door and he saw Baekhyun standing there. He told the other to come in and gesture him to sit. "You need something, Kook?" Baekhyun asked when he cant wait for the other to talk. "" Jungkook cannot form a right word to say and Baekhyun sigh. "Its about Tae,right?" Baekhyun asked and this time Jungkook stood from his rotating chair and walk towards the empty couch next to Baekhyun "I want him back to my life, Baek." Jungkook blurted at once and Baekhyun widen his eyes. "I know its its too late, but the thing is i really want him back. This past days i cant sleep, i cant even concentrate to my works. f**k! I wanted him so bad, Baek." Jungkook added not realising that the person is so shock that he cant even blink his eyes. Jungkook look at him after a minute when he didn't say a thing. Jungkook fake a cough a cough making Baekhyun a bit startle. Baekhyun blink his eyes few times, processing what the other confess earlier. "W-what is that again,Kook?" Baekhyun asked making Jungkook sigh deeply. "I know its too late for me. Knowing that he have a son already means he is married an-- "Married?" Baekhyun frowned this time. "D-did he tell you that?" He asked and Jungkook shook his head. "So, how come you're saying his married?" He added again. "He have a son, so its just--wait...If he is not married, happen to him before?" Jungkook asked. His heart starr beating abnormally for not knowing why. Theres something inside of him feeling happy knowing Taehyung is not married and theres a part also making him worried of what happen to him three years ago. "Did something happen to him before, Baek? Tell me, please." Jungkook asked, clasping his hand, his elbow leaning over his knees. Baekhyun felt the desperation in Jungkook's voice. He look at him with pity. For the past years that he works under his company as a model, he never saw Jungkook like this. He even never heard him pleading for something to someone. Jungkook became a good friend of him a month after he signed a contract under their company. "Did you saw Dan? His son?" Baekhyun said and Jungkook raised his head and look at him. "Kind of..." Jungkook replied, he doesn't know why he felt happy remembering the photo he saw at Baek house. Baekhyun raised his brows when he saw him smile like an i***t. "Kind of?" Baek repeated. Jungkook chuckle this time, "Yeah. Last week i came to your house to visit him to apologised, you know what i mean already. We talk a but but he left me alone when his son suddenly woke up, i think. Then i saw a a frame near the tv. Its Tae and his son celebrating his first birthday." Jungkook explained, the smile on his lips not fading instead it become more wider like he was telling the other a story of his family...not knowing that they are his family. Baekhyun notice those smile and he can't hide the truth that he loves seeing Jungkook smile like that, and thats because of his family..his Taehyung and his son, Dan. "He's your son." Baekhyun suddenly confess and before he knew it, Jungkook quickly look at him in shock. "Oh my god." Baekhyun slam his hands,covering his mouth and mentally cursing himself. "W-what did you say?" Jungkook asked. Baekhyun didn't say anything but inside of him, he's f*****g cursing and scolding himself. He suddenly felt a harsh hands shaking his shoulders. "Repeat it again, Byun Baekhyun!" Jungkook asked, his voice a mixed of excitement and a bit of anger. "Hey, Kook. Your hurting me!" Baekhyun said, pushing Jungkook hand. Jungkook realised what he had done and he step backward, "I'm sorry, i didn't mean it. Please, tell me again. Did i-- "Taeyung will kill me if he knows i told you this. I'm not supposed to be the one to tell you, but this big mouth of me can't control when i saw that smile in your face while telling me about the photo." Baekhyung said, while gently massaging his shoulder. "Dan is your son, Kook. When Taehyung left that night, he didn't know that that he was pregnant. He just knew it a month later. Thats the time he start contacting me and told me everything. Since then, I'm sending him money monthly but he never use it. He sends it back to me a day or a week later. He was so stubborn and i even felt scared when he told me how he was suffering from his mood swings. IM thankful that the person helps him never leave his side. He helped Taehyung for everything and Taehyung did his best to return all the goodness of his friend, his ceo. The ceo of Jung's company." Baekhyun said and Jungkook listened to every words that Baekhyun utter. He felt guilty for making Taehyung suffer. He felt like his heart shattered into million of pieces knowing how Taehyung suffer alone. Jungkook walk facing the wall mirror of his office, his hands inside his pockets. "I want to make everything right, Beakhyun. I want them to my life. I want to give everything to them. Please, i need your help, Beakhyun. "I wanted him to be happy too, Kook. I wanted Dan to know who is his father. You don't know how hard for Taehyung and even for me when one night, Dan ask about who is his father. I saw a guilt from Taehyung eyes when he heard it. I know he is suffering until now. And gods know how i wanted him to find his happiness. So this time i would help you but you need to promise me two things,Kook." Baekhyun said, his last words made Jungkook turn around to look at him. "Anything." "Love them like they are your world and never ever let him cry nor hurt him, Kook." Beakhyun said. "In that case Beakhyun, you don't need to be worry. I swear i will never hurt him again, no. I will never hurt them and i promise to cherish them for the rest of my life." Jungkook said with a smile. "Thats good. the way, how you will deal about Seulgi? Your engage to her and knowing her she would not tolerate this. Im afraid she would come to Tae or the worst is to your son." Baek said and just thinking about it, Jungkook mood suddenly change. The fear for his family to be hurt made him worried to death. "I will put some body guard around them and--- Baekhyun narrowed his eyes, "You knew very well that Taehyung didn't like that. I dont want you to tell him that i told you everything. You need to act like you still dont know. Make him belueve and trust yiu qnd most important, make him love you again. And  by the way, just to let you know he left my house al- "What?! Why?" Jungkook cuts Baekhyun words. His voice raised a bit in surprised. "Yah! Listen, okay. Even though your my boss i would dare to smack you if you cut me again." Baekhyun said like threatening him but Jungkooo just chuckle and shook his head. He return to sit beside. "He rented an apartment just few blocks away from my house. Do you want to know who's the owner of the building?" Baek asked making Jungkook raised his brow to him. "Without him knowing it, he rented an apartment to one of your building." "Really? Wait i will the-- Baekhyun pulled Jungkook making the other fell to the couch, "My goodness, Jeon Jungkook! Are you not listening to me? I told you earlier,right? Just let him do whatever he wants, just help him without him knowing it. And when everything is at the right time, you or even me would tell him that we are both behind this. Do you understand, Jeon?" Baekhyun told him again. Jungkook awkwardly scratchbthe back of his neck and smile. "Okay fine. Thank you Baekhyun." This time a genuine smile plastered at Jungkook lips. "So, if you dont need anything else now, I'm going. I have plan on having a date with my son today." Baekhyung smiles and Jungkookg frowned in confusion. "Son?" "Yes, Dan is my son too." Baekhyung said. "Yah, his my son, Baek." Jungkook pouted this time and Baekhyun laugh at how his ceo friend easily teased. "I know his your son, but he calls me he is my son." Baek said again. "Ah...that angel is really lucky having so many father." Baek added and smile. "What?" Jungkook glared at him. "Yes, he calls me papa, he even calls Hoseok hyung papa too. And when time comes, he would call you papa also." Baekhyun explained. "Hoseok?" Jungkook asked. "Yes, Hoseok. The oɴly person who never leaves Taehyung and Dan while they stay at Switzerland. Don't worry Kook, he will surely call you papa or daddy one day." Baek said, gently tapping Jungkook shoulder. Jungkook suddenly smiles when he saw in his imagination how happy family they are, that his son calling him daddy while their playing. "I cant wait for that time to come, Baek." Jungkook said, his face lit with so much happiness. His eyes glint with full of expectation. His heart felt the warmth that he didn't felt for so long. There are so many things that in his mind. And all that is for his family. For his ex-husband, Taehyung, and for his son, Dan. "I think i really need to go before my son gets bored and would not give me a kiss later on." Baekhyun said, his really having fun of teasing Jungkook at the moment. "Fine you go. Kiss him for me too and wait..." Jungkook took his wallet and took a black blank card. "Take this and buy everything my son wants. Buy for Taehyung too and things for their apartment. Please." Jungkook added. Baekhyun hesitate at first but Jungkook insist it. "Fine. I will buy everything until this card would be zero balance." Baekhyung said with a chuckle. "I dont care, Baek. Even i lost everything, i dont care as soon as i make them happy or see them happy im willing to give up everything for them. I just wanted them to my life." Jungkook said with an endless happiness. "My really leaving. Now i feel like im single seeing you even though im having a boyfriend." Baek said, getting up from the couch, walking towards the door. "Dont forget to kiss my son for me." Jungkook reminded him again and Baekhyung shook his head with a smile before exiting the office. When Jungkook was all alone, he jump in excitement, punching the air. "Oh my god...i cant believe it. I have a son....a son..." he repeat saying it so much excitementbthat he even squealed. His so happy that without realising, its already past lunch time. If his secretary didn't knock and reminded him, he wont realised the time. His happiness made him full that he didn't leave and eat his lunch. He continue his undone work with a smile plastered from his lips, until he finish signing all the undone documents that normally would take him a day or a two before finishing it. "Joy, im leaving first." Jungkook said and his secretary's mouth open wide. She cant believe that his boss  said that. Its the dirst time since she start working under him and its the first time seeing his boss with those smiles in him. "You can go too and take a rest." Jungkook added when he reach the elevator door. Joy, his secretary blink when his boss disappear from his sight. "What was that again?" Joy asked herself. She even pinch her cheek and hissed in pain. " not dreaming." Joy mumbled and smile when she recall her boss words earlier. She quickly finish what she was doing and when she finally done, she fix her table and off the lights to the office before walking to the employees elevator. "Did something good happen to Mr. Jeon today?" One of the employee ask Joy as soon as she step out from the elevator. "Im not really sure. But he told me i can go and take a rest." Joy replied. "He even announce it here as soon as he step out from his elevator. He even smiles and greeted some of the employees." The other said too. They were all confused yet happy that for the first time, they saw a happy ceo infront of them. They may not know the reason yet still thankful for what ever it is.
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