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A larger black and silver wolf careened across the pasture. It arrived in the barnyard just minutes after Freddy and Rowan made their getaway. The wolf could still smell the freshly disturbed dirt, from the vehicle moving, in the air. “Boss, they are in a vehicle now.” Michael told his Alpha. “He was carrying the girl for a long time, but he's in his wolf form now.” “Continue following. I will have someone pick you up along the way.” Beck replied. “Yes, sir. I'll continue as long as the trail holds.” Michael replied and sped off. By Some of Beck's best enforcers had been murdered! No matter what, the Rogue pack was going to pay! Chris drove down the road, he kept looking in the rearview mirror. “So, that's your dog?” Chris asked again for the third time. “He's a big, BIG, dog!” Chris chuckled anxiously. “He's my best friend.” Rowan told him. “He listens to you good? I mean he ain't gonna bite me or kill me or nothing like that?” Chris asked, still glancing in the back of the truck. “As long as you're nice he'll behave himself,” Rowan told him. “Okay, so how far downstream do you need to go? I have to stop at home and grab my other work boots. I have another job to get to, okay?” Chris told her. “You guys can wait in the truck and I'll just grab my stuff, but he won't like, eat me if I get out of the truck will he?” “Ok,” Rowan said. It was only a few miles down the road and Chris pulled off into a half circle drive. In the half circle was a tractor tire with a tree planted in it. A faded flag whipped back and forth lazily on the side of an old rundown trailer. It had different sized stumps for steps leading away from the door. Chris warily climbed out of the cab and watched Freddy over his shoulder the whole time he walked from the truck. “We should steal the truck!” Freddy thought to her. “We can't steal it!” Rowan told him. “He's helping us!” Freddy ordered her, “ Get in the driver's seat!” “No! I can't drive and I ain't gonna steal his truck! He obviously doesn't have much and he's working two jobs just to have this.” Rowan told him out loud this time. Freddy growled, “I don't think I can change fast enough to take the truck. Get in the driver's seat I'll tell you what to do!” Rowan crossed her arms and turned and glared at him, “Hell NO!” she told him resolutely. Freddy glared at her, but Chris was already coming out. He'd traded his rubber boots for sturdy work boots and was carrying a jacket and an igloo lunch box. He smiled at Rowan and got quickly back in the truck watching Freddy for any sudden or aggressive moves. “You hungry? Thirsty?” He said handing the lunch box to her. “I threw some extra stuff in there, if you help yourself.” Rowan opened it quickly, with only a side glance at Chris to make sure it really was OK. She grabbed a peanut butter sandwich and an apple. Then, put the lunchbox on the floor between her feet. She almost ate the entire sandwich before she took notice of Freddy's scratching for her attention at the back window. She opened the back window and slid it so Freddy's big muzzle slipped in. Chris nearly pissed himself as Freddy's giant head came in the window. Rowan hand the ‘dog’ the rest of a sandwich, which he swallowed in a half second. “Give him a sandwich, too.” Chris decided. “I packed four, he can have his own. Big Boys, gotta eat!” He chuckled uncertainly. Rowan unwrapped another peanut butter sandwich and handed it to Freddy who scarfed it! He literally inhaled it. She laughed when Freddy turned all his attention to Chris. Freddy's nose was just shy of touching his cheek and he stared at Chris, unnerving. Chris's eyes were big as saucers. Freddy eyeballs Chris and then long and slowly lipped his chops. Chris swallowed and exhaled shakily. “Was it good, Buddy?” Chris tried to be friendly to the ‘dog’. Freddy licked his lips again and then let his tongue out and drooled all over Chris's shoulder. Chris gave a disgusted look at his shoulder and drifted off the side of the road. He overcorrected and they swerved. Chris got control and glared at Freddy. “Keep that s**t in your mouth!” He told Freddy. Freddy, gave a low ‘woof’ and tucked his tongue away. Freddy looked at Rowan and gave her a wink. Rowan laughed and crunched into the apple. After a little while longer Chris pulled onto a road that led to a boat ramp into the river. He put the truck in park and waved Freddy's head back out the window and slid it shut. “Are you sure someone's meeting you here, kid?” Chris asked looking around the parking area and no vehicles were around. Rowan looked around a little sheepishly. “They'll be here soon. I'm sure.” “I know you're lying and I know it's not my business, but are you sure? This all seems janky to me.” Chris gave her a skeptical look. “I'll be fine…” Rowan started to reassure him, but suddenly the whole truck shifted and rocked! The black and grey wolf had caught up with them! He had leapt onto Freddy and was attacking him in the bed of the truck. Both Rowan and Chris twisted around looking on in horror as the two massive wolves rolled and clawed and bit! Freddy leapt away from the truck and ran and circled back to get distance between him and the other wolf. Chris reached over the back of the seat and pulled out a hunting rifle with a scope. He got out of the truck and took aim at the two fighting. He quickly realized he couldn't hit the other…wolf?... without possibly hitting Freddy…the dog?...instead. He shot up above their heads, Freddy was wounded and dragging in ragged breaths as blood stained the ruff of fur around his neck. Rowan was standing outside the truck too, yelling, “Freddy!” The black one turned menacingly at Chris, he growled and made a half lunge for him, but Freddy caught him in the hind leg. He bit down with the jaw force of a tiger and whipped his head back and forth, breaking and nearly ripping off the black wolf's rear foot. Michael howled a horrible, soul crushing painkiller cry! He tried to walk on it, but it just bent unnaturally causing another howl of pain. He somehow managed to hobble around and face Freddy. He could only hop on his one back leg and just any movement caused his bent and broken foot to sway and dangle uselessly. “What the HELL is going on?!” Chris yelled. This was insane, he thought! “They ain't no dogs, kid! Git in the truck!” Chris ordered. Freddy told her the same thing in their pack bonds. “I'll find you! You're going to Wyoming! GET HIM TO TAKE YOU TO WYOMING! I'll find you soon!” Freddy turned and kept the other wolf facing away from Rowan and Chris. “No, FREDDY!” Rowan cried, but Chris forced her into the truck and then pulled away, sending dirt and gravel spraying as he backed up and spun around. Rowan was watching Freddy out the back window. Tears streamed down her face as the last thing she saw before they turned onto the road was Freddy and the black wolf leap at each other! Chris drove like a maniac down the road! He only slowed to the speed limit when they got to a small town with plenty of people about. “Freddy said, you got to take me to Wyoming!” Rowan said as Chris pulled into a parking space on the main stretch of town. “Freddy said!” Chris glared at her. “I knew that ain't no damned, dog! What the hell have you gotten me into?” Chris hit the steering wheel roughly and demanded of the girl. “I can't tell you. I just need to get to my family in Wyoming cause someone's trying to kill me.” Rowan tried to explain. “You're gonna tell me or your trip ends here Missy!” Chris told her resolutely! He fixed her with a very fiery glare. Rowan cried. Tears poured down her cheeks. “That's all I know!” “What the hell is Freddy and that other thing too?” Chris demanded. Rowan paused, when he leaned over to grab her like he was going to kick her out on the curb, she confessed. “He's a werewolf! We all are.” Chris stared at her dumbfounded at a loss for words.
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