Born Rogue Chapter One

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Most are born into a pack, but can't fit in, can't obey the rules, can't conform to their packs standards. We are the outliers. When you are alone and all ties to your pack are gone, then you are only one thing. An abomination to all others of your kind. A ROGUE. I was born into a pack. It's alpha was cruel and a tyrant. The only thing that mattered to HIM, was HIS power, HIS happiness, as sadistic as it was. He kept his pack purely by his strength, but he cheated. Anytime boys began to attract his attention, because they exhibited power, strength or other alpha-like qualities, he'd murder them before they could get big enough to challenge him and there was none powerful enough to stop him. Too cowled by his immense power, they stood by and watched their children murdered. That's what happened to me. Born under another name, I go by Titan now. Not born an alpha or from one, but conjured from the darkness, I escaped. For many years I ran Rogue. Packless, friendless and in constant hiding. But I met others, like me and not like me. Cast from their homes, forced to exist alone. Pack alphas hunting us like small game, determined to kill us all no matter if we deserved it or not. I formed a new pack, a Rogue pack. Everyone was welcomed. I turned no one away. No matter your past, you left it behind, because in our pack only your actions in the future mattered. Here you got a new start, a fresh start, where only what you do now, matters. I am Titan, King of the Rogues! We continued very well, most came and stayed. You could leave whenever you wanted. I had rules like any Alpha, like we don't hurt women or children. Or do what's best for the pack at all times, but there were always going to be the ones who couldn't follow the most simplified of rules. True loners who adhered to no code. And when they wouldn't leave the territory, we'd have to handle them. Over the years, the legitimate Alphas took notice that the rogues were not rogues anymore. When we really began to get the numbers, they tried to come after us. Single packs on their own, but then they'd team up, make alliances in their effort to destroy us. We threatened their whole power structure. We offered home to their downtrodden, as the more they tried to destroy us, their numbers dwindled, their people left their tyrannical authorities and joined us. Now, we stood as the strongest pack in shear numbers, more than any other pack in existence. Considered the weakest once, now we were the strongest, as long as we stuck together. At long last our might was being acknowledged, we were invited to the North American Summit. Alphas from across the continent were to come and meet. To put aside differences, end petty squabbles and come to beneficial agreements to broker peace for the future for all of us. This was the first time in history a non-bloodline pack, a pack of rogues formed from no alpha bloodlines, were given an invitation and thus an acknowledgement of our status as an official pack, with all the rights that entailed, were given an official invitation to attend. We'd invaded the summit before, but never been invited as true leaders of an official pack. Now, we'd stand in the light of the moon, with a new status we'd achieved through our own merit and be acknowledged as a true wolf pack of standing and power. A day long awaited. ************************************************** Roanoke Pack was one of the oldest European packs to have migrated here. They'd merged with Crotans, not long after their arrival, starting the legend of the Lost Colony. Their Alpha, like so many these days, was self-absorbed in his own hubris. He was bid by the High Moon Council to bring females to present as a gift to the mutt-pack being inducted into the North American Pack Summit. Beck didn't like to be ordered to do anything, he was an Alpha! How dare they? But he had to keep the peace, so he acquiesced. There was no way he'd be giving quality females to this new false Alpha, his dignity wouldn't allow it. He needed six for his presentation at the summit. He knew other packs had been bid to bring more or less the same number, depending on their populations. He chose worthless girls, all unmated as he was told, but their fathers didn't even have the strength to try and ask that he not take their daughters, as he tore the girls away from their sobbing mothers breasts. He'd attained five girls this way and the last was an orphan he'd been cursed with thirteen years ago. All weak, all useless. The six young girls, none even gone through their first change yet, huddled cold and crying in the horse trailer they'd been herded into to bring them here. All but one that was. The smallest one, shrunken by her sadistic masters abuse, clung only to herself in a corner away from the others, because she was considered not even worthy to be among them. She was by far the youngest, too. Each of the other girls were at least sixteen. Rowan didn't even know her exact age. Her head was kept shaved by her Mistress and her fear that Rowan would contaminate her house with fleas and lice. Her body marked by countless bruises. Undersized because of never being given enough food to eat. Punished if she stole scraps from the garbage. She barely ever said a word or uttered a cry, because of fear of drawing any attention to herself. All she'd ever known was degradation and abuse. No kind words. No loving touches. The girls weren't even given a reason as to why they'd been ripped away from all they'd known and thrust into the back of a filthy animal trailer. They only knew it was not good and they knew that because no one inside the trailer had any real worth in their clan. The trailer rocked to a hard bumpy stop. It was pouring cats and dogs as their handlers, three young and newly appointed warriors of the pack opened it up and put leashes to each girls collar. "Ya'll know where you're goin' don't cha?" Curt giggled maniacally. "Ya'll gonna be given to the mutt pack!" said Ray menacingly as he yanked each girl roughly out of the back. "They is gonna rip you up!" Dicky cackled. "Yeah, gonna pull you apart!" Curts wild eyes terrorized them. "Gonna shred you girls and then mate with your corpses!" Ray howled and achieved the desired result as the majority of the girls started wailing. "Dicky, where's the other one. There's supposed to be six of 'em?" Dicky shined a flashlight around the back of the trailer. As it settled on Rowan, she leapt at him scrambling under his feet and jumped into the mud with a great splash. Dicky tumbled over himself, trying to grab her, slipped on the wet, slick metal floor and landed with a bang and a curse. Before, either of the other two knit-wits knew it Rowan was outside and running across the parking lot in nothing but a ragged, over-sized, filthy, tee-shirt. Curt didn't chase her, instead he pushed a button on his belt and she fell writhing in the rain and mud as her collar shocked her into submission. "Dicky, you dumass! Grab her before I put a collar on you too!" Curt ordered as he and Ray marched the other girls into a seedy looking hotel room. Dicky, pissed, ran over and grabbed Rowan up by only the collar and swung her up over his shoulder. Her neck wrenching dangerously as he did so. Inside the room, the three young men locked all six girls in the tiny bathroom and awaited their Alpha. The girls huddled anywhere they could squeeze themselves in, in the tight bathroom. They even allowed Rowan to huddle with them, but they made her be closest to the door, closest to danger. Here they waited trepidatiously for whatever was to come next.
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