the escape

1035 Words
Norella Pov Three days have passed since the rejection, yet the ache lingers, unyielding and ever-present. Ama, my wolf, is wounded deeply, her silence a testament to the pain we share. I let the tears fall, a silent river, as I scrub the dishes, my thoughts as fragmented as my dreams of escape. Was this my fate? To be mateless, to endure this torment indefinitely? The goddess's whims seemed cruel, unjust. But I refuse to crumble, to let my spirit shatter like delicate glass. I must leave, find solace away from this place that has always been a prison. Madame Maggie's voice cuts through my reverie, "The alpha wants to see you." Her words, likely a message from the alpha himself, send a shiver down my spine. He didn't reach out to me directly, convinced I've lost all connection to our kind. With a heavy heart, I abandon the soapy water and make my way to the alpha's office. Fear gnaws at me with each step. He'll question me about my wolf, no doubt. It's the only reason he ever summons me—to belittle me, to remind me of what I've lost. But what else could he expect when he's the one who ensured my downfall, lacing my every meal with wolfsbane? "Close the door behind you," Alpha Lowell commanded as I stepped into his office. He was perched on his luxurious chair, while Tyrell lounged on the couch, his presence a silent storm. "Sit down," the alpha directed, gesturing to the chair before him. "Ella, I've heard about the rejection," he began, his voice unexpectedly gentle. "But don't fret, everything will turn out fine. A worthy mate awaits you." His words should've been comforting, but they rang hollow. Why did he care? And why use the name 'Ella,' a tender relic from my parents? The room felt charged with unsaid words as he continued, "Have your parents ever mentioned anything about a moon guardian?" I was but a child when they passed; how could I know? I shook my head, a silent 'no.' "Very well, Norella," he said, a hint of something unreadable in his tone. "I'll arrange for someone to help you shift. Be ready." His eyes then flicked to the door. "And behave tomorrow; we have an important visitor." Leaving his office, a whirlwind of confusion enveloped me. Why this sudden kindness? "Ama, Ama," I called inwardly, but my wolf remained silent. It was clear—I needed to leave, and tonight was the time. With the alpha king's arrival on the morrow, the pack would be distracted, the perfect cover for my escape from this torment. The night had draped its velvet curtain over the pack house, and under its cover, I waited. The guards, ever vigilant, patrolled the grounds, their footsteps a familiar cadence in the quiet. I watched from the shadows, counting the moments, waiting for the one when their vigilance would wane. Finally, the time came. The guards changed shifts, their attention caught up in the handover. I slipped past them, a silent shadow against the darkened walls. In the laundry room, I found what I needed—a guard's uniform, carelessly left behind. It was my ticket to freedom. my heart racing as I clutched the stolen uniform. I was moments away from freedom when footsteps approached. It was Myra, her eyes sharp with suspicion. "What are you doing here?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on the bundle under my arm. " I heard a sound so I came to check it out" I replied, but Myra wasn't buying it "and when did you become a guard". Before I could muster a lie, a voice called out, "Myra, the luna wishes to see you right now" It was Madame Maggie, her tone urgent. Myra turned on her heel, giving me the chance to slip away. But Madame Maggie wasn't just creating a diversion; she was coming to my aid. As I rounded the corner, her expression a mix of worry and resolve. "Quickly, this way," she whispered, ushering me into a passage. "What's happening, Ella?" Madame Maggie asked, concern etched on her face. I opened my mouth to answer, but the sound of alarms sliced through the air, cutting our conversation short. "I have to go," I said, the urgency clear in my voice. Madame Maggie nodded, understanding the stakes. "Be safe," she said, a finality in her voice that spoke volumes. I quickly changed into the uniform, blended in with the guards as they searched, my heart pounding against my ribs. And then, amidst the chaos, I saw my chance. I slipped through the gates, into the forest, and didn’t look back. Behind me, I left a life of pain and rejection, ahead lay the unknown, and within me, a flicker of hope that refused to die. My legs carried me through the forest, a blur of motion fueled by desperation. I longed for the power of my wolf form, for the speed and strength it would grant me, but the risk was too great. The wolfsbane in my system could turn a shift fatal. The night's embrace began to wane, giving way to the first hints of dawn. I needed the cover of darkness to escape the pack's territory, and the encroaching light felt like an enemy closing in. Exhaustion clawed at my muscles, demanding I rest, and against my better judgment, I collapsed under a canopy of trees. Sleep took me swiftly, a brief respite from the fear and fatigue. But as morning's light filtered through the leaves, I awoke with a start. Time was slipping away like sand through my fingers. Scrambling to my feet, I pushed onward. As I spun around, and there it was—a wolf, unlike any I had seen before. Its coat was as black as the void, its size imposing and its eyes held no warmth. Panic surged within me, and I ran, then other wolves came out and chased me but it was a futile effort. The wolves were too fast, and I couldn't shift I had to run on human form In a heartbeat, one was upon me, and the world faded to black.
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