Chapter 7Da’ric I was bilingual from a very early age—almost from the moment I was born you might say. I spoke Terran English and Brachi mindspeak. This was only logical, since I was half Terran and half Brachi, and it was just as well, since mindspeak was the only way to communicate with Maggie, my D’ilian sibling. It was neither male nor female, since D’ilians were hermaphroditic and reproduced asexually. Its parent had been my dad’s chief engineer and had died after a bad man had ripped Maggie from its parent’s womb. Dad had saved the premature D’ilian, and he and Pop had raised it as their own. Growing up in the Lagoon of Dreams on the sss River was everything a being such as I could ever dream of. My days were often spent in the company of Maggie or with my Terran father, who I’d le