Neha and Abby reached to the hotel but neha didn't talk to Abby, she knew that Abby doesn't know about the love of elli towards him. From the last six hours, Abby is continuously talking about neha and him, he talks about their future, their kids, where they go on a honeymoon after the wedding, where their kids will sleep, how many kids he wants, what kind of wedding he wants, what they'll wear on their wedding, from where they'll purchase their wedding cake, dress, and jewelry. He is talking nonstop, neha wants to tell him about Elli, she wants to tell him that soon she'll vanish from his life like a storm but her every word died in her mouth when she saw the happy face of Abby. Neha holds the collar of Abby and kissed him, so he can give pause to his mouth, but Abby hold her so posse