Chapter 6

2149 Words
I stood there, rooted to the spot I was standing without moving. Everything in me screamed for me to run for my life, but I knew better. A werewolf loves a chase. If I start running, he would definitely chase behind me until he captures me. My mind went blank for a moment. I didn't know what I could do to survive through this one. I wrecked my brain, trying to come up with something, all while standing in front of that werewolf. The werewolf was watching me intensely as if he were making sure of something. He was huge, maybe the size my father used to be. I assumed this werewolf had a title if he was in a pack. An Alpha? Perhaps a Beta? Or maybe a thrid in command? I couldn't tell as I couldn't feel the power radiating away from him. He c****d his head to the side when he heard another set of footballs behind us. I resisted the urge to swore under my breath just as the man who had chased me earlier came into my sight again. He saw me standing still and started towards me, but a loud growl from the werewolf froze him on the spot. "Holy s**t," the man gasped, his eyes fixating on the wolf. The werewolf growled again, and this time, the man's eyes rolled back into the sockets, and he fell on the ground, losing his consciousness. Weak. The werewolf took a few steps towards me until it was standing right in front of me. It was only a little shorter than I am. I wondered how tall the human of this wolf would be. "What do we have here?" A new voice joined us as the werewolf, and I had stare-down. I looked behind to see a man, maybe in his early thirties coming into my view. I watched him warily as he came to stand next to the werewolf. "You are not human, are you?" He asked. His eyes were on me as he spoke. I looked at him, bewildered. "I am human," I said in a timid voice. They can't find out about me at any cost. I would not allow it. "You look very laid back in this situation" He glanced at the werewolf, "Anyone else would be running for their lives now or even would have fainted like your friend here" He gestured at the unconcious man. "He is not my friend," I retorted. The man shrugged, "Of course, that's what you're worried about now. Not the huge ass wolf standing right in front of you, " He muttered loud enough for me to hear. I cleared my throat, "I assume he is a friendly creature if you're so cool about this. Can you tell me which way to get out of this forest and to the streets?" I asked, trying to act nonchalant. "You are not going anywhere. You are coming with me to meet the Alpha, " the man said. I gritted my teeth, "I am not going with you anywhere." The werewolf growled again, making me take an involuntary step behind. "Kyle," the man said. "Shift, "Shift" He commanded and walked past the werewolf. He closed the distance between us and grabbed my arm, pulling me with him. "Hey!" I protested, "Let go of me!" "Be quiet. I can tell that you're not human, but I am not sure what you are. You trespassed into our territory, so you have to meet the Alpha now. He will decide what to do with you. " "I don't understand what you are talking about." I twisted my arm to free myself, but his vice like grip wouldn't let me move even a cell in my body, "Let me go. I have to get back to" "You can go if the Alpha says so," the man said calmly, "Stop squirming. I wouldn't mind breaking your arm if you don't cooperate, " He warned, and I immediately went still. I can't believe this was happening now. I have tried so hard not to come across them, but this is where it led me. I quietly followed behind him, trying hard to keep up with his pace. I just prayed quietly that the Alpha would let me go without thinking twice. I swear I would pack my belongings the minute I get to the motel and get as far as I can from this city. The man led me through the forest for a few minutes until we came across a mini town. I looked around in admiration. The houses here were pretty big for those who live in a pack. I wondered what they all did to have such fund to be able to live a lavish life like this. "Kyle," I heard the man say again. "Yes, Beta," I heard another man say from behind me. I hadn't realized that someone was following us quietly until I glanced over the shoulder and looked at the man who had just spoken. I guess he was the werewolf I saw earlier, and the man who was dragging through the streets was the beta of the pack. "Can you patrol the northern perimeter tonight? I have my hands full now, " the Beta said without turning to look back at Kyle. "Of course," Kyle said before leaving us quietly. We passed a few more houses until the largest house in the area came to our view. I swallowed audibly. I knew the Alpha must he in there somewhere, and it made my palms sweat. "You are not going to kill me, are you?" I asked, suddenly terrified for my life. The Beta stopped in his tracks and looked at me. There was something in his eyes that I couldn't put a finger on, "I hope the Alpha is not in the bad mood. If everything is good, you will be free to go" "Aren't you worried that I might tell about this to someone?" I blurted out without thinking. I bit down my tongue only after the words left from my mouth. Good. Now, he will have second thoughts on releasing me. The Beta started walking again, "And what's exactly will you tell them?" I bit my tongue again. I didn't see Kyle shifting back to his human form, so that might mean this Beta doesn't know that I actually know what they are yet. "I- Uhm, the part you took me here against my will and threatening me to kill me. Aren't you afraid that I might tell that to anyone else? Maybe the police-" I was proud at myself for coming up with a logical explanation. The Beta chuckled under his breath, "I see," He said. His tone made me deduce he didn't believe anything I said. He knew I was hiding something. We were now walking into the house. The interior was brilliant. However, I wasn't really in a situation to admire it. My hand started to hurt a little as the Beta was gripping it tightly, but I didn't say anything. I just wanted to get this over with and get back to my motel room. We walked through a door, and I sighed, averting my gaze to the floor. I didn't know for how long I had to keep walking. I was already tired from all the running I did earlier... "Alpha," I heard the beta say. I went rigid without even realising it. It was my first time in four years to be in the presence of an Alpha again. I stood there, casting my eyes to the floor as if the tiles were the most interesting thing on this planet right now. I could feel power exuding away from a spot. Probably that's where the Alpha was standing. It was so strong that it made me want to hide behind anything to avoid the intensity of it. "Dylan," I heard a deep voice say, "What's this? I feel a small presence, but that's it, " He said, sounding curious now. I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. What was he talking about? What presence? "I felt the same. I couldn't risk letting her get away without confirming it, so I had to bring her here, " the Beta said, making my eyes widen in terror. Did they know that I was the white wolf? That's impossible, right? I don't feel any signs of my wolf yet. "Look up at me," I heard the Alpha command. I wasn't sure if he was saying that to me or to the Beta, so I stood there, barely moving an inch. The Beta gripped my hand tighter, "He is talking to you," He said when I looked up to meet the Beta's eyes. I resisted the urge to say something smart and shifted my gaze to the front to look at the Alpha. The Alpha stared at me. His dark eyes widened when I met his gaze as if he was in disbelief. It looked like he was frozen in the moment, and I took the opportunity to study his features. He was tall. Maybe taller than the Beta. His dark hair looked a little messy, probably from him running his hand through it a few times, but that doesn't make him look any less handsome. In fact, he looked so attractive that any girl would swoon. It was hard not to notice how good-looking he was. A few seconds passed, and I looked at the side at the Beta, "What do I do now?" I asked, confused. Do I talk or not? Should I explain to the Alpha about the situation? The Beta opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't get the chance to say it out loud as the Alpha spoke first. "Mate," He growled. My eyes widened, and I turned my head to look at him again. His eyes were only focused on me. I swallowed audibly under his intense gaze. Did I hear him, right? Was he talking about me? "Take your hands off her," the Alpha commanded as he crossed the distance between us in a lightning speed. I jumped back in surprise. My eyes were wide just as the Beta released my hand as if it burned him. I stared up at the Alpha as he towered over me, intimidated. "Mine" He growled, making me take an involuntary step back. This man was my mate? I remember how everyone described how it will be like to find one's mate. They said, I would be able to recognise him instantly but at the moment, I don't feel any of that. Was it because my wolf wasn't with me anymore? "Don't" His eyes softened when he realized how terrified I was, "Don't step away from me" He murmured, trying to take my hand in his. I blinked up at him. I can't blindly trust anyone who claims to be my mate. I shook my head at him, getting my voice back. "I didn't realise I had trespassed earlier, Alpha. I was merely trying to get away from a man who had been chasing me earlier and unknowingly-" "A man was chasing you?" He asked before I finished talking. He looked to my side at the Beta, "Dylan?" Dylan cleared his throat, "The man passed out when he saw Kyle, Alpha. I thought he was her friend but she did tell me he wasn't" The Alpha looked at me again, "Did he hurt you? Why he was chasing you in the first place?" I sighed, "It is rather a long story. Can I get back to the motel? I have explained myself" I said, glancing at Dylan. "You are not going anywhere" The Alpha said making me look at him again in bewilderment. "What-?" I felt my breathing pick up slightly when he narrowed his eyes on me, "Don't you feel it?" He asked, "You're supposed to run into my arms. This isn't how everyone find their mates" "Run into your arms? Sorry for dissapointing you then" I blurted out before I can stop myself. The Alpha narrowed his eyes on me again, this time disapproval was apparent in his eyes, "You understand what's going, don't you?" He asked, "You are aware of what we are" I bit the inside of my cheek, "I don't know what you're talking about" The Alpha shook his head, "You're not a human. I could feel a small presence within you. It is barely there but it is enough to confirm that you're not a human" I furrowed my eyebrows together, "What?" Does that mean my wolf is here again? But- But I can't feel her presence... I cleared my throat. Whatever it is, I can't admit it to him about my true identity, "I don't understand what you're talking about" I said firmly, looking up into his dark eyes.
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