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Author's p.o.v Bhabani gupta is in her office room. She is pacing from here and there. Looking at her face anyone can say that she is totally depressed. Her whole mind is occupied by the fact that her company is bankrupted. Her all shares has been bought by some other company. She hasn't payed two months salary to her employees. She is completely devastated by all this things. This company is the only earning source of her. If she lose this company totally than she will come to the road obviously. She is trying her best to save her company. She has already requested other companies to share with her company but no one is showing any kind of interest. And she knows that, someone is intentionlly doing all this to her. But she isn't sure yet. She is thinking all this when her manager nikhilesh enter into her room hurriedly. His face is looking tensed. Sweat beads are visible on his forehead. He said," Mam, we have a bad news. Our company is now totally bankrupted. We are said to leave this company within one day. If we don't do this than they will tell the police." " But, this company is the most precious thing to me. What should i do? How can i just give my company? Bhabani said. Her voice become heavy like anytime she will cry. Her manager is silent for sometime and than he said," Mam, do you know who has bought all our shares? Bhabani looked towards him raising her brow. She also wants to know who is that person who is after her company like a mad dog. " Mam, it's Abhinav Agnihotri. Chairman of" Agnihotri Enterprise".The richest businessman in India right now. I have heard that he has also connection with the mafia". Listening him, bhabani is confused. Why a great businessman like him is after her small company. She said," Whoever he is but right now i only want to save my company. Do you have any idea what should i do? "Mam, as Mr Agnihotri has bought all our shares, i think you  should meet with him once. If you talk with him about your problems than i am sure we will find any way to save our company". Nikhilesh explained everything to Bhabani. She is too much determined to save her company that she doesn't think twice and immediately agreed to meet Abhinav Agnihotri. She said, " If it's the only way. Then i will do it. Arrange a meeting with Mr.Agnihotri. i will meet him anytime". Nikhilesh nodded her head and went outside. He called someone on the phone and said," Sir, The work is done. She is ready for meeting." The other person said something and nikhilesh only said," Yes, sir. I will do anything for you". Saying that he cut the call. He informed bhabani that Mr Agnihotri will meet her today. He has agreed for the meeting. Bhabani thanked God that Mr Agnihotri agreed. She is now hoping that everything will be ok. Abhinav's p.o.v After nikhilesh's call i am feeling a soothing feeling in my heart. Finally that b***h is in my clutch. Well, about nikhilesh. He is that person who helped me leaking all her information about her company. I have to just lure him with money and like a greedy dog he changed his side. Right now, i am in my office room waiting for that b***h. She doesn't know that what's waiting for her. I lit a cigarette and started smoking. Today i am feeling too much happy. I can't wait to share all this things with ma. Suddenly someone knocked at my door. And asked for permission. It's my P.A. He informed me that Bhabani Gupta is here. I told him to send her in. He nodded his head and left the room. After few minutes i hear a woman's voice asking for permission. I said with a cold voice," Come in". And that b***h comes in. After many years seeing her i got stiffed in my place. My body become cold but a rage of revenge started flowing through my full system. But i controlled my anger and told her to sit. She sits in front of me. She started saying," Mr Agnihotri,  i think you know why i am here. I will not waste your time and will come to the point directly". I said nothing. I am clenching my fists tightly and hearing her all words. She said," As you know that my company is bankrupted. And you are the one who bought all my shares. I request you to help me come out from this situation ". Well, i was waiting for this line. I said," i see. Ok, i will help you but i have a few conditions ". She blinked her eyes few times. I know she is confused. She asked, " What kind of condition?  I will do anything to save my company. " I nodded my head and said boldly," Well, i want 80% ownership of your compnay". Hearing me, she stands up from her sit and almost yelled," it's not right. 80% ownership means you will be the real owner of my company and i will be an owner just in name. I don't agree to this condition!". I slightly leaned to my chair and crossed my legs. I said," If you are not interested in my condition then get lost from here. And prepare yourself to live on the street from now on. I saw some tears in her eyes. She was silent for sometime and then said," ok. I agreed to your condition. After all my childrens don't have to live on the street.". I mentally smiled that my prey is now in my clutch. She is going to ask me something when i said, " I have another condition ". She said nothing but raised her brow with a questioning manner. I said," You have to marry off your elder daughter with me". This time, hearing my condition she dropped her file from her hand. She can't believe i will ask something like that. She said," Mr. Agnihotri, i think you are crossing your limits". I stands up from my sit and yelled, " If you are ready to agree my conditions only then i will consider your company. Otherwise get lost from here and don't waste my valuable time ". She isn't saying anything. She is standing like a wax statue . She never expects that i will ask for something like that. I can see her vulnerable condition. Yes, that's what i always wanted. After sometime she breaks her quiteness and said with a heavy voice," Ok. I agree with your conditions." After hearing her, a wicked smile formed in my face. I said," Then, i promise you that tomorrow you will get the news that your company is now ok". She said a small thank you and left my office. I can't believe she loves this company that level that she agreed to marry off her daughter with me without any thniking. Well, that's good for me. What can i expect more from a b***h like her. Author's p.o.v Devika is in her room studying very attentively. Then the door bell rang and she run towards the door to open it. She opened the door and saw her mother who is looking very tensed and tired. Devika holds her mother and helps her to sit on the couch. She run towards the dining space, pour some water in a glass and gives her the glass to drink the water. Bhabani drinks the water and relaxed for sometime. Devika asked," Ma, are you ok.? Is everything allright?. Bhababi looked towards her and told devika to sit beside her. Devika sits besides her mother and asked," Ma, is everything ok?. Bhabani holds devika's hand and said," Dear, can you do a favour for me? Devika is seeing her mother with weird expression because she never see her mother like that or say something like that. Devika said," ma, i will do everything for you. Just tell me what i have to do? This time Bhabani can't hold back her tears and started crying.  Devika is trying to console her but she is crying continuously. Devika wiped her mother tear and told her," Ma, tell me what i have to do?. Bhabani can't hold anymore the words and said," You have to marry someone". Devika frowned her brows. She can't believe her ears what's her mother saying. " What are you saying ma? I can't understand anything. And then, bhabani narrated the whole story in front of her. Listening her devika understands everything but she is totally confused why that man wants to marry her. Devika said," Ma, i am understanding everything and i can do anything for you but at least tell me who is that man? Whom i am marrying? Bhabani replied, " He is the most richest businessman in whole India right now. He is Abhinav Agnihotri " A sound of glass breaking echoed thrugh the whole room. Devkia dropped the glass from her hand listening Abhinav's name. She got stiffed on her place. She is not saying anything like she has lost her words. This time bhabani said," Please, dear. Do this favour for me". . . . It's 2 a.m at night and Abhinav is again playing the same tune on the piano. Some memories are flushing in his mind. He is closing his eyes and continuously playing the tune. Some past memories are flushing on his mind. . . "You are a son of a w***e. Don't you know what your mother does? She is a w***e" a boy said to Abhinav and started laughing. Abhinav punched that boy but then more boys came and joined with that boy and started saying the same words. . . Abhinav is playing the piano with too much force that his fingers started bleeding. But he is still playing the piano. After few moments he stopped and opened his eyes. His eyes are bloodshot lije he will kill anyone right now. He said with full rage on his voice," everyone will pay for their sins".
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