Chapter 7 A Good Bargain

1413 Words

People say money should be spent wisely. Roy couldn’t agree more. After two hours effort, now he was worth three thousand affection points. He scanned the items in the shop again and after observing for a while, he drew a conclusion that Gold Coins Shop could basically be regarded as fighting ability strengthening shop, while Affection Points Exchange Shop got items with subtle usage. Such as this item: Shriek Umbrella A umbrella that shriek before the storm coming Price: 500 points Roy was rendered speechless. ‘Is this a joke? What can I use this thing for? ‘The umbrella will shriek when a storm is coming, so what? Can’t I see the storm coming? Or maybe I should think the way round. It will be a normal umbrella when there is no storm?’ But this item was the cheapest on in the st

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